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demigoddess May 17, 2021 3:44 pm

I read like the first chapter and got the sense this was gonna be a slow burn love triangle. I usually dont have the patience for my question is....

    UwU May 17, 2021 3:50 pm

    I don’t know why there is a yaoi tag...I think this is shonen-ai

    Zhang Purnama May 17, 2021 6:59 pm

    I read the raws......but I forgot. Still no seggys time until chapter 20

    Groxy787 May 17, 2021 7:21 pm

    Heesu had no sex, so I don’t see this having any. And it’s not under 19+ on Korean LZ.

    Lihua May 17, 2021 7:46 pm
    I don’t know why there is a yaoi tag...I think this is shonen-ai UwU

    In Korea we don't have such a word it's just BL
    There maybe no sex in it so it can be considered fluff

demigoddess May 13, 2020 6:24 am

God I know how this feels

demigoddess's questions ( All 6 )

demigoddess May 14, 2021 6:21 pm

Hellllooooo! I am looking for the yaoi where the main character is a good-looking virginal uke who finds a seme willing to have sex with him at a bar, the seme is this younger spikey haired, blond-ish college student who first saw the uke on a train before they came face to face at the bar.
The story primairly revolves round the uke falling for the seme despite knowing that the seme is a playboy and doesn't like it when his dates express feelings for him.

Does this ring a bell for anyone?

demigoddess February 6, 2020 4:02 am

anyone else get like totally pulled out of the story when you see your pet peeve? Mine is facial hair on the uke....idk why it gets under my skin, but it does. anyone like this?

    Ari February 6, 2020 4:04 am

    Same, also, don't get under my skin but I'm so used to pretty boy uke if he's not good looking I can't.

    WertGiggle February 6, 2020 4:05 am

    Yup! In my opinion... it makes them look.. idk how to explain ;-;

    GLERTLESKLETCH February 6, 2020 4:22 am

    It always looks less like facial hair and more like they got some stuff on their chin or something.

    Midnight Adventurer February 6, 2020 4:48 am

    Pet peeve? I've got soo many.
    I really can't stand:
    1. Long ass dialogues during sex
    2. Girly uke
    4. Over Drooling during sex (i dnt know why but it bothers me soo much
    ( ̄∇ ̄")
    5. Overreacting characters
    6. Whiny, weeping characters (over small things)

    jaak-pon! February 6, 2020 6:44 am

    ahegao, hairy legs, mustache/beard, only having eye wrinkles(2.5/10 times O.K with it)

    overly realistic art (I like it "manga" if you get what I mean)

    cheating, playboys, multiple past sex friends, dramatic past sob story, manipulation (some of you mfs like this and god it pisses me off such as in Hosik's story y'all fucking find that manipulative ass relationship "cute" okay, sure ig...

    honestly disappointed.

    anime_lover February 6, 2020 7:50 am

    pet peeve ?? i only have a few.
    1. manly or big (as in body) uke i dont mind it but i dont like it.
    2. something like killing stalking, i hate storys like that i dont mind S&M like i like blood bank but killing stalking is bad.
    3. hairy uke.
    yea thats all the pet peeves i have so far.

    lizzbee23 February 7, 2020 5:45 am

    age gap idk why its weird #-.-)

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