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corrin_1979 created a topic of Love in Orbit

Has it been established that the dad knows sihwa’s an alien? Cause if not, then he just outright attempted to murder somebody that to his knowledge would be a human. If there were more witnesses his ass will be in jail. Also i keep laughing at the bandage placement It looks so cute and goofy

Not the fuckin bukkake in the title

corrin_1979 created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

For anyone that likes reading really long stuff, there’s actually someone that predicted and explained very thoroughly how and why gojo could come back. They actually made some very good points that most of us have probably overlooked. Here’s a link in case any of yall got some time or just like reading:

corrin_1979 created a topic of Acanthus

Can’t believe someone tried to have beef with kaoru of all people like damn

corrin_1979 created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia

I know allmight is supposed to be like the big hero in all this, but seeing that panel with his mom is just damn. She really is his first hero isn’t she. I hope she gets to see her son alive and well after all this.

Finally some blorange crumbs Also lil potato, your smile can bring world peace

corrin_1979 created a topic of Nerd Project

I know we’ve all been blue balled just now but i just gotta say, i really love that tiny detail of andrew’s nose poking into luke’s cheek. It’s the first time i’ve seen and artist actually draw something like that and i find it cute that his face is that close to the point of poking him

corrin_1979 created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

Based aoi, very damn based.

corrin_1979 created a topic of Jinx

Not my dumbass thinking they actually just had hotpot this whole fuckin time

corrin_1979 created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

If you’re an angel then why tf are u scared of getting murdered Aren’t yall supposed to be holy and immortal in the first place

corrin_1979 created a topic of Kabukicho Cat Honey

So, there was nothing established between you two and you blame him for accepting more work? Like sir you yourself work in the same industry. Who tf are you to tell him what to do and how to make his own money?

corrin_1979 created a topic of Nerd Project

Finally got a face with the fist of reality he deserves. If he keeps this up, his high and mighty facade is never going to save him. His parents can only protect him for so long. If a group as small as this can gang up on him, what more a whole industry. Hopefully he gets a reality check. Or a prison sentence.

corrin_1979 created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

Thank you! You did such a great job translating and goodluck with your exams translator!

corrin_1979 created a topic of Love in Orbit

I know the mom seemed like an ahole but honestly looking at a bit of what happened with her and si-in, she’s grieving. She probably doesn’t know what grief is and it’s alien to her so the best way she could channel that was to ‘make another si-in’. To us it seems gruesome just making a build a bear kid. But to her, it was probably the only way she could have some part of him back. Coupled with the fact that he may not have lived for long. Hopefully we get more of her story as well cause she is looking to be quite interesting.

corrin_1979 created a topic of 2020

I volunteer to be the next popsicle

corrin_1979 created a topic of PASSION

It’s me hi i’m the problem it’s me

Someone call maury we got a new episode for you are the father right here

corrin_1979 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

How much y’all wanna bet that they’re actually twins