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corrin_1979 created a topic of Nerd Project

Finally got a face with the fist of reality he deserves. If he keeps this up, his high and mighty facade is never going to save him. His parents can only protect him for so long. If a group as small as this can gang up on him, what more a whole industry. Hopefully he gets a reality check. Or a prison sentence.

corrin_1979 created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

Thank you! You did such a great job translating and goodluck with your exams translator!

corrin_1979 created a topic of Love in Orbit

I know the mom seemed like an ahole but honestly looking at a bit of what happened with her and si-in, she’s grieving. She probably doesn’t know what grief is and it’s alien to her so the best way she could channel that was to ‘make another si-in’. To us it seems gruesome just making a build a bear kid. But to her, it was probably the only way she could have some part of him back. Coupled with the fact that he may not have lived for long. Hopefully we get more of her story as well cause she is looking to be quite interesting.

corrin_1979 created a topic of 2020

I volunteer to be the next popsicle

corrin_1979 created a topic of PASSION

It’s me hi i’m the problem it’s me

Someone call maury we got a new episode for you are the father right here

corrin_1979 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

How much y’all wanna bet that they’re actually twins

Gotta admit, the plot was ass but this was entertaining. It tackled a lot of topics not commonly used. And yeah that ending was shitty but honestly it felt real, which is unfortunate. I think that’s what made me keep reading even though a lot of the time the abuse got too much. I wanted minho outta there and was hoping to see him leave that situation. Part of me thinks the author tried to make this as violent and abusive as possible to prove a point, that yes these relationships exist and no they’re not easy to escape. The victims get drawn back in and who knows if the cycle will continue or not. Not a story and theme for those that can be easily triggered. Read at your own discretion and do remember that this is fiction, but if anything similar occurs in your lives do not hesitate to reassess and ask for help. That’s all ~

Oh ash we all know that ain’t the real you when you’re not on the bed with him

corrin_1979 add manga to list Fav


  • Author: Tobi washio
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance
corrin_1979 created a topic of Jinx

Finally someone that actually deserves to get hit got hit

corrin_1979 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

At least don’t label it as an official chapter. A lot of people are gonna get confused and tbh this is where the freaking translator wars start cause someone just pops outta nowhere and uploads what they feel like. I get it you wanna do something nice or maybe you just want to test your translating abilities, but if there’s clearly someone else responsible for it already then there’s no need to step up. As for this april fools joke, the least you could do is not confuse people. Happy april fools to you too i guess, hope you enjoyed your 2 seconds of fun.

corrin_1979 created a topic of PASSION
corrin_1979 created a topic of Afterglow

Holy crap that art is immaculate!

corrin_1979 created a topic of Backlight

i can just imagine fans seeing hae yool irl and thinking 5’9 is shorter than it actually is

corrin_1979 created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

I dont mind the age gap. I know couples that have over 20 years of gap. This one isn’t even that bad. I just dont like that he basically raised the kid. Although i guess u can take it as the kid maturing overtime?? Yeah maybe not

corrin_1979 created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

I hate to say it but with the way this is going it feels like we’re going to get another demon slayer. The last arc went on for unreasonably too long and it seems the only purpose was to kill of other characters one by one. Then in the end we get a rushed ‘happy’ ending. I’m still reading cause i really do love jjk but damn i’m pretty sure gege is just out of ideas at this point.