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피의 created a topic of Non Zero Sum

I knew this was coming but I'm just glad the haewon knows he doesn't want to be around haeyoung and his craziness and is planning to settle away when they return

피의 created a topic of Into The Blue Water
피의 created a topic of Non Zero Sum

How is haeyoung basically coercing them to force themselves on haewon but then get mad when haewon starts moving on hyunwoo like is haeyoung stupid he just only looks for haewons suffering honestly...

피의 created a topic of The Melancholic Conman

As expected from this author, so far so good

피의 created a topic of ENNEAD

ironic how Osiris was deeply infatuated with Seth and it passed onto both of his sons

피의 created a topic of Jinx

Kim Dan is always grateful so why can't Joo Jaekyung be for once

피의 created a topic of The Tosa's Master
피의 created a topic of You Control Me
피의 add manga to list Favorites

Ever since his mother passed away, Hinata has been taken care of by Midori, who is as strict as he i...

  • Author: moegi yuu
  • Genres: Supernatural / Comedy / Romance / Yaoi
피의 followed a goer

Fairly, no very new to the world of Manga. I was given the advice to check out a manga while commenting about an anime I was watching.  Once I began to read about it, I was hooked, and now divide my time between watching and reading....I love it.  
I would welcome any and all recommendations for good reads, I primarily read BL as "I'm in the life" so to speak, lol. I also love fantasy, action and adventure. Please no haters or negative people, there's just not enough time in this life to deal with that. It's not that we only live once,  nope, we only die once...we live everyday, and I intend to do it to the fullest. I'm not really sure if it matters but I'm totally a fudanshi...that's the male yaoi lover right, and as I'm totally a gay male I guess that's, don't really know why some find that important.

07 01,2024
피의 created a topic of Lookism

I've never been able to finish this so maybe I can't talk but it's definitely a great story but sometimes I feel like it drifted so much from its original plot

피의 created a topic of Greed

I honestly enjoyed this short manhwa the art is very unique and like it ; I'm just sick of people complaining about a toxic plot as if they didn't click on this story after seeing the cover which is a bloodied up man LOL like obviously it screams toxic so just don't read it and stick to your fluff if it bothers you so much instead of running to the comments complaining

피의 created a topic of No Reason

I hate Hyunjae so much he clearly possess some type of emotion for Jeonghoon but he's a psychopath just taking advantage of him, Jeonghoon please run away

피의 created a topic of Global Examination

oh my goodness I'm so excited for next chapter when the phone turns on and Qin jiu realizes that You huo is invigilator A, I love this novel so much probably an all time fav.

I literally wanna cry I just finished POTN and it's so beautiful like I'm gonna be honest it definitely stressed me out at times but almost 3 years later it's completed and I'm at a loss of words. The way the beginning connects to the end when Seungho sees Nakyum again... my little heart can't simply take it (╥﹏╥) , I'm definitely looking forward to the side stories though

피의 followed a goer

If you know me IRL i beg you please turn back right now

25 12,2023
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