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AVD created a topic of Instant Family

Like milk?

AVD created a topic of Devil on the crossroad

Did that man just do what I think he did to that door? WHY on the DOOR?! TT

Oh no I'm completely addicted to the story already and I got so many chapters at once. I've been spoiled and I need more chapters plsssssss

AVD created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I like Tak, but he's a huge idiot. Sanho is at least trying to communicate, even is he sucks at it. What is Tak even doing??

AVD created a topic of Devil on the crossroad

Okay did that vibrator really just start talking??? TT What is going on??

AVD created a topic of Jinx

The redemption arc for this guy had better be world-class Zuko level transformation, because wow is this guy still a POS.

AVD created a topic of When the Star Sleeps

My heart is broken if this doesn't end happy istg...

AVD created a topic of In the Nane of Bai Ze

This kid is a regular Sherlock Holmes

Fujie is so sensible! I am really enjoying his character.

AVD created a topic of South south north South

That punch was extremely gratifying. I look forward to more punches in the next chapter.

AVD created a topic of Jinx


AVD created a topic of Paper Flower

He actually didn't murder all of those people. That's growth. lol

AVD created a topic of Yoake no Uta

That was a twist I didn't see coming.

AVD created a topic of Jinx

I'm crying.... It's so incredibly sad

AVD created a topic of Monday'saviour

This guy is absolutely nuts. lol


The TWIST! I didn't see that coming at all. V. excited for the next update. (⌒▽⌒)

AVD created a topic of High Pulse

I really don't understand why the mc thinks ml will leave him if he presents as an alpha. Am I missing something???

AVD created a topic of Gig of the Day

Today is a good day to be bilingual

AVD created a topic of Someone Like You

I am so sad for Shinwoo...I almost feel sick from how heartbreaking this is. TT

AVD created a topic of Midnight Dweller