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milf hunter created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

About to throw my phone away

milf hunter created a topic of Slammer Dogs

The tension between them thoooo

Talon so fineee, love me some brown skinned MLs

milf hunter created a topic of Nerd Project

Ugh loving luke so hard rn bye

milf hunter created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Im so glad I found this again and reread it UGH FUCKKK ME I LOVE THE CHARACTERS SO MUCH

milf hunter created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

WE'RE SO CLOSE I know these translations are crazy good but at times like this I won’t even mind google translations LOL. Im so hyped for the reveal

milf hunter created a topic of To deny the route

Im so glad MC chose to be nice to him and not start avoiding ilya forever lolll. Finally someone who thinks

milf hunter created a topic of Nerd Project

He's embarrassing himself omgg

milf hunter created a topic of Waterside Night
milf hunter created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Quality is ass but as a novel reader guys from now on Zhenya will turn from a red flag TO A BLACK ONE.

milf hunter created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Holy shit I actually laughed when his umbrella flew away their dynamic is fucking hilarious I can’t wait for more chapters

milf hunter created a topic of To deny the route

Nah I wonder what will change about his appearance lmaooo

It took me a WHOLE DAY to catch up but oh wow it was worth it. I can finally gts

milf hunter created a topic of Jinx