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milf hunter created a topic of To deny the route

Ngl I don’t think anyone will die, at least I really hope so. Lets just see if MC will finally get a grip and NOT ignore Illya istg..

milf hunter created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Get well soon!!! We'll wait patiently

milf hunter created a topic of The Mafia Nanny

I feel like the mom is still alive and betrayed them. There is no way she just went missing and died that makes no sense

milf hunter created a topic of Falling for Danger

Is this gonna update??? :((

milf hunter created a topic of Love in Orbit

The dad should just leave him alone ugh poor boo, also the scene where he saw his mom was SO SAD omg I hope they actually meet soon

milf hunter created a topic of Waterside Night
milf hunter created a topic of Bongchon Bride
milf hunter created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door


milf hunter created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Boy bye.. the translator pissed me off with their comments. It was funny and valid at first put complaining 24/7 about the story you chose to translate is ridiculous. It actually made me face palm so hard. Maybe next time don’t translate a story you despise.

milf hunter created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Hell nah I don’t like the MC at all wtf? Bro started avoiding red hair guy after finding out he’s gay, hurts his feelings and avoids him but proceeds to fuck some guy he met 2 days ago?? Aight lil bro

milf hunter created a topic of Nerd Project

I loveeeee green flag tops so much its like a reward reading these after all those typical toxic ones smh

milf hunter created a topic of Jinx

Annnnd we have to wait 10 days again