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Sea anmon created a topic of Flower of the Sun

I read raw of season 3 and crying rn....spoiler

Laurent bastard let Nobels rape him daily to break him...I feel so disgusted and painful.... dropping this... Will come back when it ends

Sea anmon created a topic of Groan
Sea anmon created a topic of Into The Blue Water

So good....this one should be longer

Sea anmon created a topic of Jueun

The older one has a arranged marriage coming up??!????

So much inner thoughts from our stone guy(▰˘◡˘▰)

I bet I would do the same things as her if I had I crush all to myself ヾ(☆▽☆)

Sea anmon created a topic of Selena

Did Selena ever did it with that bastard cause I'm super confused rn

Sea anmon created a topic of Love in Orbit

All loved childs here...sigh

Sea anmon created a topic of Experience forecast

I loved how clumsy but good it is cause I'm sick of all the toxic BLS
They gives me depression unlike this...

I always wanted him as ml ╥﹏╥

Sea anmon created a topic of Olgami

I want to glue him to the ground