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Sea anmon created a topic of No Reason

He is red like in another red red...
Mc unalive yourself

Sea anmon created a topic of Comes In Threes
Sea anmon created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Ml needs to roll on volcano

After going through raw and everything...if ml isn't omega then I'm outta here.....
He did something wrong but he is so so so much better....I love him....
Alpha dude needs to die

Sea anmon created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

All the bl ml are toxic now...
When this motherfucker said that if uke wants he can throw the word love into the contract...this mf needs to die...he is toxic in another level

I love this but it's kinda wrong... it's twisted...ughhh

Sea anmon created a topic of Dragon Raising Manual

I want everything messed up rn...

Sea anmon created a topic of Profundis

He got some serious drug for sure.

"I love you too" gave bombastic ilastic side eye to me

Sea anmon created a topic of Lip and Sword

Seme just sleep with anyone...
Uke should find someone better... Seme isn't worthy and hella annoying

Sea anmon created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

Crazy people ends up with crazy psychos

Sea anmon created a topic of The Man with Pretty Lips

There is a saying in my society:
"Today's brother, tomorrow's husband".

It happens so much here ╥﹏╥

Sea anmon created a topic of Hope You've Been Well

That's the most painful part

Sea anmon created a topic of Hidden Love: Can


Please someone translate this completely ╥﹏╥