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Norana created a topic of Bungou Stray Dogs

I just remembered that Atsushi went from being the mc to a background character for a while now, like he did some things but it's just a battle between geniuses at this point

Norana created a topic of GIVEN: The 10th Mix

I'm not suprised by the whole vibe of the manga even after 10 years, the creator doesn't really do pure happy stuff she likes this bittersweet, melancholic happiness. It was like that in all the iwaoi djs she made

Norana created a topic of Codename Anastasia

wait is the old guy still lying on the floor??

Norana created a topic of Wet Sand

Wait Toby saying that he won't be able to check bc she' gone means that the baby really isn't Chris's? Or maybe it's nothing but it just seemed like an unnecessary comment if the baby was really his

Whole thing makes no sense whatsoever wdym he grapes mc and then mc just decides he's gonna take care of him??

Norana created a topic of His Little Amber

Love how black haired guy just ended the whole conflict with LOVE WINS!! slay honestly

Norana created a topic of One Piece

The way they still fight so hard to protect Robin is so sweet I love them

Norana created a topic of Guiding Hazard


Norana created a topic of Waterside Night

I think that's his dad he's kidnapping him to be the bargaining chip SO GET HIS ASS TAEJU

omgg they were so adorable!! boyfailure+popular guy who's smitten with him is just such a delicious tropeლ(´ڡ`ლ)


Norana answered question about question
the one year limit would kinda suck but I'd definietly want to be able to hop into any movie, no matter if it's animated or not, I'd visit all my favourite characters, maybe even stay somewhere for the whole year

woahh this is so interesting!! it's been a while since i found a story where i'm genuinely interested in what could be happening

Norana answered question about question
Pasarán más de mil años, muchos más Yo no sé si tenga amor la eternidad Pero allá, tal como aquí En la boca llevarás Sabor a mí
Norana created a topic of Contradict

Aaah I'm begging you please solve this in the next chapter with a nice long conversation, I don't want to see either of them getting hurt

Norana created a topic of Backlight

In the raws they have lightsabers so seeing that monstrosity up close suddenly was another kind of experience (not complaining tho!!)

Norana answered question about video games
I made myself choose a character and only spend on that one alone, so I'll have the satisfaction of getting my favourite. And esp if you're early game it's good if you choose one that's easy to build and useful for your team. For me it was Zhongli from GI and it was the best choice ever he never left my team since then.

ok I thought this is gonna be just weird and it is but also I've got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard it's really good

Norana created a topic of Wait, I Love You

Crying sobbing shitting myself this was sooo cute can't believe that they still make adorable mangas with minimal conflict that gets solved easily and the main characters are just simply in love

Norana created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Ahh this chapter was so poetic I really enjoyed it but also the season ended too soon ╥﹏╥