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Lyonnais did ( All 1 )

let's be positive

Lyonnais's experience ( All 1 )

about hide yaoi
12 06,2020
I was once caught by my youngest brother . he asked, "why are they naked, sis?" of course I'm freaking out, 'cause he suddenly appeared from my back when I searching Yaoi in Pinterest, at that time, his age still 4 or 5. I guess my little bro still doesn't understand, so I made a fool of him ... I answered, "oh ... they just took a bath together, b......   2 reply
12 06,2020

Lyonnais's answer ( All 2 )

I just put those who are handsome on my cellphone wallpaper   reply
03 08,2020
@finndiabolic I Hope we can be friend (´ . .̫ . `)   reply
12 06,2020

Lyonnais's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

Started my last year last week. So far so good (I already had five breakdowns)

8 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

A lowkey student who doesn’t do any sports or any other extracurricular…

8 hours
did question

nah idk what everyone else is saying but these were wild times frr....

23 hours