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I don't read the novel, but I looked up spoiler. But when Arabella actually died, I cried, my head hurt. It still sad even tho I knew she is going to die. She was feisty at first but it was just because she was unloved. But when Ari treated her like family, she became so cute. She is also smart, that the teacher matched their education level with Isabella level (because Arabella is smarter), she also composed music and accepted at music school at age of 10.

According to spoiler, this novel is very long. Like over 470 chapters and still continue (?) Because I still haven't read the ending spoiler.

I also curious about past time line. Did cesare really love Isabella and not Ari? I mean sure Isabella is pretty but she is stupid. In sense of education, knowledge, music, money management etc, she is stupid. She only good at doll herself up.
I wanna know if cesare was regretted that Ari died, she was very smart that she handle all inner palace and money management for 8 years. Can even that bitch do like Ari?
According to spoiler, cesare in this timeline isn't obsessed to the throne or anything. It was his mother who kept forcing him to be king.
I also kinda confuse here.
1. The king loves Rubina a lot, but his love to cesare is questionable
2. Rubina said to cesare, the king loves him so he will be king
3. But according to cesare childhood memories, cesare liked the queen more because she was nice to him. And after Alfonso was born, cesare was forbid to call them mother & father again, and assumed as prince's cousin instead.

I wanna see all ML pov in past life and current life.

Alfonso is absolute cinnamon roll. He is goody two shoes. But did he really love Isabella in the past? Ari said alfonso treasured Isabella. I kinda believe him but maybe not love, because current Alfonso also very polite to valoa princess (his marriage candidate).

I feel like De Mare family wish for Isabella to be a crown princess is kinda far fetched. Yes I understand the kingdom is very religious. But there's duke's or Marquis daughter for crown princess candidate as well. Why the kking chose to married Alfonso to Isabella (in past). I mean if crown princess is from strong noble household, doesn't it help more than cardinal's daughter?

I like how rubina first evaluation to Ari wasn't based on her appearance or her background. But instead she admired that Ari is smart person and pushed cesare to her, even tho she insisted that cesare to be a king, she chose Ari to be cesare partner because she is smart. Maybe because she is mistress herself, so she doesn't mind ari background and care more about her brain and conduct.

I read that Isabella bitch is still not getting her karma (on the spoiler). She married to broke noble household, but still messing with Ari and even tried to flirt with the king.

I kinda don't want to continue to read because Arabella death. It's so sad. It's the first time I read regression story where MC couldn't saved/helped the person they loved.

If any of you guys read the novel and it's already finish, please give me spoiler.
How is cesare ending? The king? Isabella? What is golden rule? Why ari ring finger was cut in the past?