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I know Camilla was instinctively hated because she wasn't the real Camilla but.. why was Ravi ignored? I love these stories where the heroine is doted on but cant help but feel like these stories have a kind of "positive" misogyny if that makes sense. If MC was a man, they likely wouldn't care for her as much. It feels like daughters are seen as harmless, helpless little creatures that need protecting and sons are only competition to each other.. like the only reason Ravi was neglected is probably bc Ludville is the "true" son and objectively stronger. I feel like the author intends Ravi to be "healed" by Camilla's acknowledgement of him but that doesnt address the fundamental issue. Overall I love this story tho and I'm atleast glad Camilla shows clear favouritism to Ravi lol its so nice how she thinks of him before anyone else

I'll miss you baby Beaty ):

I love Laria's relative indifference and even tho she schemes a lot, she's actually genuinely kind and empathetic. I don't blame her for trying not to be attached to him but Evan's backstory is making me tear up ):

FL is just a standard shoujo protagonist and shes meant to be in her 30s? Idk why manga romances still do the timid FL who blushes at everything. She just got cheated on but new man looks at her: blush, badump. Says her name: blush, badump. Like girl??

I love an OP MC but I really hate the "might makes right" setting here. What is the point of the social hierarchy when literal SERVANTS can blatantly talk shit to your face?? Even a weak Duke's daughter shouldn't be treated that way. Even the ML wouldnt care ab her if she wasnt OP. Also there are so many contradictions.. apparently being weak means you lose your nobility? But then Sedin is strong but treated badly for being a commoner. Alte dislikes her bc he sees her as pampered and spoiled but fails to see that everyone in and outside of their home is allowed to disrespect her? Please just have the FL wipe them all out at this point.

Why are they focusing so much on the bland ML? ;-; I came here for mother son bonding AND I DEMAND COMPENSATION

Pretty obvious the brother has loved FL since childhood. I feel like he's going to start begging her and saying he only tried to bring her down so they could be equal/together OR that his plan was to get her kicked out, become the Duke's successor and then force her to marry him lol whatever those pining looks are, they are not brotherly

Chryselephantine created a topic of I Have No Health

Damn its like going down a checklist. They just got married and now shes probably pregnant lol

I feel like we just brushed over that one of them literally stabbed Ellie with no hesitation at all. I know she was posessed but while everyone else was in shock and didnt want to hurt her, he just was like immediate shank lol now they're all happy family again like it never happened ??

I hope they dont just keep letting people use them.. I understand why they had to join the knights but it still feels bad seeing them go along with people. Shana sympathizing with that shithead prince and Bliss walking into Marquis Karl's obvious scheme to use him for his benefit -.-

The ending was ofc great for the two leads, ML here might be one of my all time faves but I feel sad for Helena.. she looks so resigned. Since it seems she'll now be stuck married to Alecto who she doesnt love, I wish they would show us what her goal was so I can see if shes happy in the future ): I ended up really liking her, this webtoon feels more feminist than most of them imo. I love that the two women werent suddenly best friends but they werent enemies either, like they realized they were both just forced to play their roles and had mutual sympathy/understanding for each other.

Why are they focusing so much on the bland ML? ;-; I came here for mother son bonding AND I DEMAND COMPENSATION

I will literally cry if they pull an amnesia trope or a posession thing

Chryselephantine created a topic of Savage Forest

This weak FL finds her confidence trope doesn't work unless the ML is already well adjusted and patient. The ML is okay and we can kinda see that he loves her a lot but no communication ML + extremely insecure FL is just a recipe for frustration. Tis a shame bc I love childhood friend -> lovers stories and also like his willingness to defy societal norms for her. Its still early so dont wanna judge too soon but I really foresee much pointless angst for little pay off here.

The way his likeability works is stupid. 0 should be absolute neutral, anything below that should be active dislike/hostility. If his favourability was +999 he'd be just like their dad and would do anything for her but when he was -999 the worst he did was allow her to be kidnapped lol the extremes only seem to work in her favour. It seems more like he should have started at 0 and his favourability now would be 100+ bc at only 1 favourability hes willing to cause trouble for himself and act out of character..

Vlemir is my preferred ML (idk, Rohan is too much trouble imo, hes married to a crazy and he loyally serves the Emperor) BUT hes met FL like... 3 times?? And hes acting like hes obsessively in love, its very odd. The amount of screen time Vlemir gets is like minor character level lmaoo. Still I feel like hes going to be ML bc 1) FL showed physical affection she never showed Rohan and 2) She has Undine and hes got that fire aesthetic going on

..but its still going to be hard to reconcile that with the things she does to MC. I mean MC's ancestor was a POS but what has the MC done to her