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Understand that you have clear freedom to continue reading this even with the BL undertone or not, no one is putting you at gunpoint to read this, so do drop it when you feel uncomfy

Not only this manhwa, but basically any other series have that same principle

Be calm self, this is a smut manga. Don't expect too much. Look at the pretty drawings and the pretty ppl, don't get angry at the writing. Life is good

My blood boils with the thought that so many authors put SA in their manga just as a conflict for the main couple to become stronger n better ("after seeing you in a precarious positions, I realize that I'm actually in love with you and I can't live without you!! No one else is like you!!").

This too while they don't have the balls to put the characters behind the attempted r*pe some needed punishment

Confused Academicia created a topic of Jinx

Wake me up when Jaekyung is kneeling on his knees begging for Dan to come back

Confused Academicia created a topic of Pellua Iyagi

ngl if this was another manhwa where Nox and Ortez relationship actually works out, I would eat that shit up.

I'm not ready for Cao Cao to grow up that fine. I mean, been knew he was a charismatic leader but the author is rly doing a great job

So like.. did the goddess absorbs them? That's kind of a nasty way to die

Imagine we were 1 chapter away from the confession but then the author drop this manga aha.aha.ha.ha...
I'm kidding pls don't do that author-nim
This manga has been with me since I was in middle school
Pls make the ending good please

Novel readers knew what was about to happen and has happened so it's easier for us to take a stand on things between Carcel and Ines, but ofc ppl who has yet to read it and didn't know any spoilers would judge things based off of what is currently available which is totally valid

They both are victims in this deranged timeline that has been broken bc of a certain person. There are others too, some remember their past lives and some don't

ngl the portrayal of the ex when their relationship has gotten cold is very... It's bad
So It was easy to think that their relationship has never been healthy from the start, but dang when we got that flashback of him saying "I like you" to the uke BOII that is a cute ass smile

I rly wanna have a story from the ex POV too and if possible, another series for him

I feel like this series gloss over a lot of details and then suddenly BAM it's in your face and you need a second to process it but no one in the series is reacting how you thought it's supposed to be?

Like, the incest stuff feels kind of important but the series made it like "oh it's just another sunny day outside" and goes on

Apparently there's only a few more chapters left to the main story and we've got side stories abt the side couple

If I've got a family like that I'll be the Joker, good on you MC

He's such a sore loser but that loser got more rizz than me cause how did that guy get a lot of girls (n guys)

Must be from the manipulation class he got from bastard school

I don't see this going anywhere towards a happy ending
Unless the author decides to do the funniest thing ever

Does this have a novel?

Confused Academicia created a topic of Hate Mate

I'm actually so intrigued on how this will go
I have no favorite ship nor favorite characters, just very interested in the story itself
Everything is so beautifully woven and the author understand the complexity of human relationship and able to portray it well is so..
Their other works are all like this as well, I love it

Confused Academicia created a topic of 19 Days

Correct me if I'm wrong guys
But this is all the flashback to when they were in middle school right? The current timeline is back on the earlier chapters and extra where they were in universities

There's no winning this is there
No one is sane here
Oh well, I'm here for the ride
FIRE UP the problematic tag again *sigh

Just accept that this reality you're in has turn gay 150% and get your harem set up

I just got so happy from seeing one of his eyes dang we've rly been made desperate for any kind of action from Ryuhyeon
Pls do something so OP that made it all worth it