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Those names... You guys does not have a cautious bone in your body
The surname is cute af, but at least change the first names

Confused Academicia created a topic of Backlight

The ML is so unlikeable
Even ahjuicy has better visual n charm than him

I'm like a kid on their first amusement park screaming OMG that's Cao Cao, OMG it's the Zhuge family, OMG it's Xiahou Dun!??

Just overall going crazy with all the name drop of historical figures

Ririko o Ririko
You left like a tornado destroying everything on your path

Like father like son
Which is a wonder bc he experience it first hand what it did to his mother but now he's doing it to the uke too

It's pretty fucked that the red haired guy was the one supplying omega to the uke's husband ultimately leading to his suicide and now they're tee-hee-hee-ing through life
The whole thing is actually fucked up
But oh well the art is gorgeous

Heyo, Im just sharing links to the Jp raws. Purchased by me; from
In case anyone wanted to buy from there yourself, best way for US foreigner is Paypal, each chapter is like 4-5USD rounding up. (つ˘◡˘)づ

Anyway on the the chapters, i might update/edit this comment when newer ch. come out. Cropped to the best of my abilities and hopefully the 1st pic in each file is beg. Chapter.

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9: TBA

File that holds all the Chapter bought/will be bought:

Enjoy! If this upsets anyone or a lot of ppl ill take it down but if not it shall stay! (▰˘◡˘▰)

Edit: just to say ♡Happy to share and acknowledged the thanks♡

Edit 2: Im going to remove any chapters before 8 link to shorten the post but theyll still be available in the group link.

ngl, I first read this from ch. 18 and was reading this without the "coming back from the future" context and was like
OH YEA GO DOWN YOU PEDO but then the comment was like "no!! "
and I need to take a step back cause huh...?

Anyway, I'm gonna let this series marinate for a while

The color palette is so satisfying
Giving me bubbles n butterflies
I need moooaar

Confused Academicia created a topic of Did It Work

Everytime the MC's friend show up in the manhwa, someone out there is puking by the sheer intensity of his annoying-ness

Say what you want abt the grandpa, but I think his affection for Dojoon is genuine and it's just so endearing whenever he talks abt him with such pride

Confused Academicia created a topic of Killer Peter

Why is this comment section so unserious

Confused Academicia created a topic of Debut or Die

I just love how they drew each members like.. I get it
They're exactly the same as what I had in mind

brb gonna reread the novel again cause why not

I've heard of some weird stuff in my life but eye licking? What kind of kinky shit is that?

O honey, you gotta trust your partner and learn to lean on him
Hiding so much stuff under the cover of "I don't want to bother him" is just gonna hurt you both

This part is so frustrating but life do be like that