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O honey, you gotta trust your partner and learn to lean on him
Hiding so much stuff under the cover of "I don't want to bother him" is just gonna hurt you both

This part is so frustrating but life do be like that

It's so funny how the MC was in denial at first but now he's just straight away pushing and throwing his friends left n right to BL
The sheer power to stay being a faceless mob

Confused Academicia created a topic of Jinx

He finally left!! And the crowd is cheering
Now I wanna see this man suffer bc of his Jinx and regret over what he did to Kim Dan

Losing my mind
We're nearing the end of season 2 and nothing much is being settled
I so wanna see that bitch get thunder slammed

Confused Academicia created a topic of Corrosive

We're getting traumatized with this one

Looks like it rly is a world created by a magical yaoi god
You can't run away bro
The gay force is literally against you

Honestly, being an exclusive MUA for a renown actor is an amazing deal, but this actor is kinda sussy

Actually, why didn't the uke become the seme's exclusive MUA? Or if anything, recommended him to other actor/actresses
Usually, MUA strive from having strong connection and recommendations from their earlier customer
So this could help them be closer to each other

I'm thinking too much, just gonna enjoy the pretty and handsome men

That last part almost made me cry wheww
He's finally got the power to take back his family

Wait... This is actually fire
F me, should've waited for more chapters

Did she... Did she just realized the gravity of what she did to chika NOW? When someone calls her out on it?
That high schooler is also giving me uncomfy vibes

Why can't the whole volume just be abt their silly simple life

Confused Academicia created a topic of Love in Orbit

I hate this
That father is a dumbfuck who've ruined his child's life but I'm even more angry cause that "we're family" line will actually get me too

Never been happier seeing that kind of face on a prideful seme
Gimme more bby

Gotta be honest, I have no idea why the ex-tutor appear at all
Like they could make a whole another new women character but I guess it's for the drama
and.. the thought that that girl made a move towards a minor and still show up in front of that same person with a smile and act all normal now kinda bothers me..

I rly love this author and this series so I'm still gonna read no matter what happens, just.. a bit weird is all

Everything is so anticlimactic it feels like the author was preparing to do more chapters but was suddenly forced to finish it early
This has so much potential
It's still good and fun enough to read tho

Confused Academicia created a topic of Love in Orbit

Both of their parents are so shit I hope they both step on Legos for every 3 step they take and when they're not, they will have their shin knocked on unsuspecting surfaces for their whole life

Can't believe it took me this long to start reading this bc of the title I thought it was gonna be one of those stories with short chapters and questionable plot nearing a porn

I'm so glad I got to read this, this is so wholesome so adorable so heartwarming

This comment section is so wild you would think they're having raw hardcore sex LMAOO

That... was so messy..
I'm pissed but let's just see what would happen
Are we reaching the end?

If you look slightly to the left, you could see a crazy boy with a lightning scar on his forehead is speaking with a snake going "hsssaaa hsssii hssasss"

Confused Academicia created a topic of Stay With Me

Nice, you take too long on preparing to tell him now he's gonna know in the worst way possible