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why the hell did this stop updating? it's a great manga and it's been completed for a while now. like for real. i miss hideyoshico's stuff.. but there is a ton of silly smut daily.

Macho Cheese <3 created a topic of Bound to Be

I live for these chaps every weekkkk

Macho Cheese <3 created a topic of Bound to Be

Where is itt, here is mooooree

40 people did   /   3 want to do

I start thinking that someone set cameras in my home to watch me, or that random people want to harm me and that they hate me.

Macho Cheese <3 followed a list

Welcome to my shabby basement, dear captive!


While being confined here, feel free to explore my BL bookshelves n find things to read. I will bring dinner to you 3 times a day. If you need anything, ring the bell. Make yourself at home! (灬ơ₃ơ)ノ

(Just added some mangas w confinement elements)

 manipulating, calculating
 abuse, assault (physical, emotional etc.)
 stockholm syndrome
 vomit, blood, drugs
 killing, suicide
 other stuff

20 01,2024