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d3an created a topic of Let's Go to Work Tomorrow!

“Embrace my shortcomings” when all she did was treat Jaein as if he were a child with no sense of direction. Noah has a lot to learn but most importantly heal. She jumped too quick into another relationship and all her insecurities led to her thinking she was maturing when in reality she was just applying overwhelming expectations on jaein that she actually wished she could have done to her ex. Jaein wasn’t perfect by any means but he really tried with communication and understanding and most of all trying to live in the moment. That’s what makes a relationship and noah failed to realize again that it takes two. In my interpretation I see it as a mirrored picture of her relationship with her ex but this time she was the one not putting that much effort but if analyzed properly, it’s because she wasn’t awarded such reciprocation the first time around so her demeanor now is understandable. But again such demeanor shouldn’t be negatively affecting a relationship for that specific reason. It’s not your partners job to heal your trauma.

This could go two ways were they reconcile and heal together or Noah decides to clear things up but decide to stay alone to figure herself out. It wouldn’t be fair to to be mad at her for thinking about the future because it’s her life, but once someone else enters the picture, you also need to be considerate of their feelings. So overall, it would be good if Noah decides to go alone and heal alone.