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mushroom cloud July 30, 2020 2:16 pm

hey peeps.
Someone give me recommendations of stories (any genre) where the MC is actually a reincarnated lover or something of the love interest, but doesn't have his/her memories. Something similar to that.

I'm in the mood for some angst but not like, TOO angsty, you know

mushroom cloud July 28, 2020 6:29 pm

Hey people, drop your favorite manga/manhwa/webtoon (no lists please).

ok. basically made this question up so I could ask:

Do any of you just go to your notifications to try to see the manga that's been updated for you, but realize you've talked way too much and the updates are gone?

It makes me wonder if I just talk way too much on here.

mushroom cloud July 24, 2020 9:50 pm

someone give an me unique story to read with no cliches (and isn't popular). It can be pure crack or thoughtful and sad, or random, idc.

i'm just so bored someone entertain me

mushroom cloud July 23, 2020 1:00 am

are there any manga(s) similar to Shounen Houkokusho, where it's gay parents from but the child's point of view? I've read a considerable amount of gay couples + kids from the couples POV.

I'm SUCH a sucker for couples being domestic and shit with kids

mushroom cloud June 16, 2020 3:47 am

I remember there was this anime, and i believe the MC was a girl. She (and her friends) live underwater and have like a whole city underwater, and they go to school in like a port town or whatever.

But their skin dries out when they don't touch water for a long time or something, and when the mc stays over to help with some culture fair, but she faints since her skin was too dry (or something along those lines) and the ML rescues her.

If anyone knows the name, it would be gladly appreciated!

mushroom cloud June 14, 2020 7:27 pm

have you guys read the promised neverland? If you haven't, please try it, the manga just ended today and i swear you could hear my sobbing from Mars-

it's just so good, and the art grows on you

    Watcher June 14, 2020 8:18 pm

    Yup...if u guys like a action...or. like adventure...a little monster included....also...its anime version also there...but only 12 episodes...but the story was amazing...liked it to core...

    booboothefool June 14, 2020 8:40 pm

    i cant bring myself to read the last chapter manmanga wont end if i dont read it just big brain tingz

mushroom cloud June 5, 2020 8:21 pm

Can someone recommend to me a magic manga with a magic school and like main characters who can do magic of some sort (not bl, focusing on plot, not romance), thank you so much. If you know it: manga like Gakuen Alice

    temaratempura June 5, 2020 8:41 pm

    little witch academia it's also an anime

    Watcher June 8, 2020 5:51 pm

    Beginning after the end....
    Hero academia

mushroom cloud June 3, 2020 8:57 pm

hi can someone recommend to me a shounen (no bl) manga where the mc is very powerful (like in a dystopian universe, magic-wise)? They can be hiding their power or something like that, but they have to be powerful. There doesn't need to be romance or anything, i'd prefer if it just like a team of op people against the villain or something
- thanks!

mushroom cloud June 2, 2020 4:43 pm

Are there any manga with the main character being in (or involved) with a like an elite force or a organization, i'm obsessed with those lately (such as Bungou stray dogs, etc)
and i would prefer no yaoi, just shounen, shoujo, etc please!

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