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EnokiMatcha created a topic of Honey Bear


Best thing I've read ever hahaha hahaha

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Jinx

I am excited to see what happens in season two! I wanna see that cauliflowered eared fuck suffer for a bit

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Mary Jane

....its seriously hard to hate the baddies when they that good looking.. like seriously, I'm worried about my safety but damn...sure lock me up

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I want them both to sit on the knees, get slapped across the head and get a serious telling off because honestly they are both equally stupid

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Endland

Tests, so many tears...oh and a lot from Itsuki too

EnokiMatcha created a topic of High Clear

Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom Try bottom try bottom try bottom

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Thirst

I've read...A LOT of yaoi and some have had some AMAZING sex scenes but with these two honestly, so much love between them that it almost doesn't feel like sex...I'm not sure if that makes sense but it does in my head

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Omg it's finally over. And I got tk see the cute kittens

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Open at Night

....this one is going to cause an aneurism isn't it

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

..the tops facial expressions are just gorgeous omg

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Waterside Night

Omgg they are too fucking cute I can't handle it

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Jinx

Didn't realise what you had till it was gone aye fuck tard...TIME FOR SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BITCH!

I've read a lot of yaoi in my life...this one was just mind boggling honestly

I want to beat this bitch to a bloody pulp

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Thirst

I completely understand ethens side tbh. I get they are..."family" but the way wren is...doesn't look anything like family honestly.. I wouldn't like it either

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Oke....I'm now at the point where I just want the fucking story to end!!!!! IM BORED!