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EnokiMatcha created a topic of One Summer Day

...well...ain't you a dumb ass...please stop giving kinda bad at it

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Honey Bear
EnokiMatcha created a topic of Beheader
EnokiMatcha created a topic of Double Trap

.....I'm sorry but to me it just looks like he need to take the biggest shit

...I need more! I'm loving this already! And the art is just absolute bliss!

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Jinx

Oh god thank fuck someone punched him. I have been waiting for his coach or someone to just punch the fucker

Someone come save Lyles ass lmfao deserve to be hated... the saying 'if you love them let them go' is horse shit and you fell right into it

EnokiMatcha created a topic of High Clear

Broooo these two!! I love them and I love even though one is top and the other is bottom, they don't act like the stereotypes! Like mmmm yes gib me more!!! But no more doing it in the gym because I got horny and scared

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Honey Bear

Yeeeeesh that bear though oof

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Yooo yes haru!!! Tell those old fucks off!!! So glad he didn't just let them do what they wanted!

....they could of done this in a much better way...this is seriously badly written. Dropping it here. Curiosity no longer there

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Jinx

Dan, I love you, I do...but your going to have to toughen up a wee bit. The man you're into is an asshole, oke, we know that and you can't help that you fell for him (idk how but it is what it is) but please honey, grow a pair ( ̄∇ ̄")

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Lucky Paradise

...I kind of want the best friend and that cute psysic to some how end together bhahaha. I'm just over the main couple rn lol

That dude has red flag written aaaaaaalllll over him. I'm glad the MC is giving it to him straight but have a feeling this prick isn't going to take no for an answer

....well..sure was a lot of what the fuck moments in this one and of course my curiosity will get to me and I'll continue to read

EnokiMatcha created a topic of High Clear


EnokiMatcha created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

....wait...what? I'm so fucking confused right now

EnokiMatcha created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Someone please just kill of the brother, push him off the cliff or something. He's literally an eyesore