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If any of my relationship got to this point in the future, the momeny they start saying that, I'm out. Like. It's her trauma, I know. But not everyone knows how to handle people with trauma even more so people who have trauma themselves. Those incongruence clash and it creates a toxic relationship.

I just want to be able to give you the biggest hug. They could never make me hate you. Not with the way you act, not with how you carry yourself, not with your personality. People who hate you carry no ounce of empathy. The first ten chapters, I had to control myself from sobbing and weeping in public. You hurt too much Dorothea, it's unfair. I wish you all happiness. Please erase your father from the equation. And thank you for opening up to your brother, you both have worked so hard to repair your relationship (I sound crazy because they're not even real, but I really just want to say this as if she can hear me.)

an empath who feels all created a topic of Jinx

You should feel like fucking shit, you fucking shit! (Please let me pick a side this time. I'm so sick of being a psychology student and always analyzing a situation. PLEASE.) CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT NEXT SEASON!! PLS! I DONT NEED A FLASHBACK OF HIS LIFE. Well, maybe abt the jinx but that can be explained after the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT so...



but someone drop that Kang Yougun rn. fucker. arrogant aaa.


When I said, "No one has the right to reprimand them of their behaviors towards each other. This is trauma between them," I mean it.
It is the same situation with, "A person who didn't grow up in your house does not get to have an opinion about how you survived."

This chapter was actually so good. It showed that Yeonwoo is not just the usual MC who's too pure where he won't admit his hypocrisy (although that was a trigger). It's so well written and the situation is well thought of.

now that's interesting.

The Uke was so pretty in the previouse art style thooo

an empath who feels all created a topic of Jinx

Get that CCTV Footage. Announce your leave after securing a job and tell him that that's how you're going to repay him. Thank him for everything, coz honestly, you need to. Don't be rude when you say thank you and announce your leave. Just grab that footage, make him regret what he has done. Tell him that you were going to tell him about how the other team was trying to take you in but he decided that it was unimportant and didn't hear you out. And leave. Like, let that man simmer in his own regret.

an empath who feels all created a topic of Macguffin

What beautiful beautiful boys. I wish you all the happiness. You and your dad.

an empath who feels all created a topic of Eleceed

is that he always pulls through. whether it be a tie or a loss, the kid will shut you up everytime.

considering the top's personality and how he took it as the bottom hitting on him, he might have thought that sex was what the bottom wants from him. the pacing's actually better than when you see nonconsensual sex after 20+ chapters or when the top's being delusional saying "You keep saying no but you're tightening up."

i understood their codependency but i never knew that occurred due to such extreme conditions. i didn't really like it when Haesol sort of just told Junhyul that Yeonwoo will not develop if he is always around. but as a psychology student, i just need Haesol to back off and would like Junhyuk and Yeonwoo to get therapy.

they have such a healthy relationship that it's making my teeth rot. this is the real power couple right here.


it's funny how all these people think they can scare Fiona off. i've never been so confident about a FMC being the strongest and never being in those 'damsel in distress' situation before I met Fiona.

i love this dual pov so muchhhh

an empath who feels all created a topic of Eleceed

their side comments towards the fight is hilarious like how does jiwoo have 3 strong awakeners worrying about his goofy nice ass. it suits him.

also the three of them is like anger issues (kayden) meets sassy anger issues (kartein) and there's the casual proud dad (pluton) on the side.