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Cherrie May 19, 2021 6:49 am

I have no idea what’s going on anymore I read this before the anime but rn I am so confused on what’s going on and yet I can’t keep my phone down from reading this.

Cherrie December 26, 2020 8:23 am

Here’s the spoiler guys and I’m kinda sad the ML isn’t the king with Kara but that’ll be cliche so eh. (I copy this from another comment).

Kara's ML is another nobleman named Bred. He's a vassal of the emperor who the emperor was trying to pair Charlotte with as part of a scheme to get her wealth. When the letter about the match came, Kara volunteered to go in Charlotte's stead to make him hate her for being 'crude and mannish', however Bred and Kara fall for each other immediately because they're both each other's type (he likes that she's not weak and delicate and they have the same tastes, like prefering beer to wine). They actually end up sleeping together immediately. Bred falls hard for Kara and even starts referring to Charlotte as his sister-in-law in her head. At one point he found out that the dad was plotting against Charlotte so he sent his knights to secretly follow her carriage to protect her, because he thought she was being led into a trap. Only for her to show up in front of HIS door, because she's there to yell at him about taking responsibility for her little sister because Kara is apparently pregnant XD. Bred immediately asks Charlotte's permission to marry Kara.

Charlotte's ML is the red haired duke (the emperor's half brother). He's the fire magician in the prologue and Charlotte is his lamp. They met because Charlotte bumped into him when she was spying on Kara's date with Bred. The duke falls for her immediately because her personality was so unique.

    LatteVester December 26, 2020 4:22 pm

    Wait so the content of the letter was the proposal from bred? Why did they narrate it as if there was going to be war when that letter came lol

    AichiS. December 26, 2020 6:03 pm
    Wait so the content of the letter was the proposal from bred? Why did they narrate it as if there was going to be war when that letter came lol LatteVester

    Ikr i thought the same damn thing

    THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ December 26, 2020 9:24 pm

    I was just thinking auwww so cute but also....where Charlottes live story only to find a teeny tiny paragraph... disappointed

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