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Sutsot's feed

Hear me out okay. I don't want any argument for the things that I'm typing since they are purely my own opinion on how I see the character's POV in the story.

1. The MC's Father. Ellime, the Elemental Spirit King of Water. Since the first part of the story, we already hated him right. But to be honest, it isn't entirely his fault for (1) Judith (MC's mother) tricked him into giving him his aura then giving it to the devil then suddenly became pregnant after 10 months, she gave birth then died and her body was taken away by that same devil and (2) he never wanted a child nor wanted to do anything with the child at all, since he is a spirit who lived for soooooo long that the idea of having an offspring was never in his wishlist.
If I were in his place believing that just being with the love of my life, just the two of us, alone in the world is enough then there is no need to do anything to disrupt it, and then suddenly having to find out that the love of my life tricked me and then became pregnant out of nowhere, of course, I'd get mad for the fact she didn't tell me and for the fact that she did it behind my back, Ellime solely believed that the relationship between would never change, since he is a spirit who lived a very long life and Judith, who is a demi-human who is also a 7th class sorcerer and summoner, Ellime would believed that he nd Judith would live for each other for as long as the world ends.