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I think most people could somehow understand this chapter, so let me just say that the reason she's still gathering evidence and waiting is because her trash ex didn't file for divorce despite saying he wants to break things off.

Her maid, Mei, thinks that her lady is weak and delicate, because of the og!Ciella and mc didnt really try to change that image at all. Her green haired subordinate finds it ridicolous and jokes how far from the truth that is. Idk if it wasn't mention by the translators or the manhwa artist, but after one job there was a client who couldn't pay, so he offered to make dolls for mc. She decied to take him up on this offer and make a doll of crown prince, the perfect and loyal male lead from the original, who the mc with bad experience with males considered her favourite. Ofc she doesn't really think he'd find someone like her lovable, she's just fangirling. (after being cheated on with poor relationships everywheree around her she started seeing herself as broken glass even before transmigating). So she comes back home, but no one recognizes the crown prince? It's because as everyone knows, cp is cursed and because of that he rarely makes public apperances. He even comments on how easily she let in a man whom she doesn't know, while mc pretends he's right. He also drinks hot 'tea' in embarassment and compliments him, but mc finds out after taking a sip thats its just hot water and makes up some bullshit about it being from east etc. CP is too embarassed to realize.

I hope we get a better translation group soon. Yes, the blonde guy was also asked to have a revenge affair and paid a lot of money to the guild just for some advice. He was not aware of any engagement with og!fl, which in turn gave mc a ground to think it isn't cp, as from what she knew cp was aware of it. Whenever a strong smell of roses is in the air, he clearly is doing something to her, as for what? Well keep reading. I also need to clarify that he does not trust the guild master, so the moment mc asked about the identity of the lady blondie's alarm bells rang and he used his ability again.

The translation isn't all there so as a novel reader let me clarify it. Yes, Ciella is the guild master while the green head is her vice- and a stand in. The letters she read were written by subordinates of CP and she is aware of that, so writing to CP directly was out of anger. What she asked the CP was if he wanted to have a 'revenge affair' together! Not just getting along...