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P.S. A story isn't good just because it has less problematic stuff. If the problematic stuff is handled well (i.e. a plot that acknowledges consequences logically or sticking true to the premise which is you know kinky smut) even if there's a fuck ton off 'em the story still ends up being good.

Even if there's only one problematic thing in a story, if it's not handled well (i.e. Bad characterization, repetitive issues, no thoughts of fixing current issues, not acknowledging consequences in the story or not sticking with the premise of the story) it's ends up being a bad story to read.

Of course, taste in stories are different but to put down other stories just because it's more problematic is ignoring what makes a story a story, and that's being fun to read.

Personally, I think the first notice of the uploader is really what incurred so many mad readers. They were promised that it was a good story but it ends up just being a story about an alpha who can't make up his mind, a beta who is kept in the dark that his dad and boyfriend are fucking each other, and an omega who has the personality of a smooth rock.

Being honest from the get-go about the stories premise even it ends up spoiling readers gets rid of unnecessary disappointment especially when the Summary doesn't do it's job properly.

===Personal Thoughts begins here===

I can see why this would be fun to read but it is not a good story. Like, what's the point of this story? You can't mess with fate? Alphas and Omegas are meant to be and nothing else?

I'm totally fine with the fated narrative but usually it's fate pairing up two people who are not in established relationships or in bad arranged relationships. This just seems like fate being an asshole and ripping two loving people away from each other to ship one of them with the opposite sex/gender.

The beta uke seems to be decent and there really isn't any fault on his character that would give a valid reason as to have his boyfriend cheat with his father of all people.

Like I said, it's fun to read but it is not a good story. This feels more like a story made from one of those lines a bg character says to another character like, "My beta friend was broken up by his boyfriend because he found his fated omega."

If I'm wrong and beta uke is actually an asshole, like an actual asshole not just reacting to the cheating then feel free to prove me wrong ( ̄∇ ̄").

Funnily enough, I felt more strongly annoyed by the story after being told by the uploader that it was a "good story". I didn't really take the story seriously since it's probably a kink story. I guess it's a good story with that topic in mind but it really tries so hard to make it seem like the plot has logic and that the characters actions make sense.

Also, I might be a bit biased since people think they're hot and keep reading, and I don't. I really like their chibis though, they're cute.