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RandomGal June 5, 2016 4:54 pm

Yaoi where the seme ties the uke to the bed/ties the uke for fun? ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
All for pleasure of course, pain isn't really my cup of tea.

RandomGal May 28, 2016 11:03 pm

Miraculous freaking Ladybug and Chat freaking Noir.
Being bi, Mari's freaking adorable and Chat is freaking hot
(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ who else is a fan?

    kittyaktf May 29, 2016 1:30 am

    Weeeeeeell... Let's just say I never really expected to love a kid show so much lol And yes, they are both very cute (◕‿◕✿)

RandomGal May 14, 2016 6:24 pm

Cute uke, extremely feisty?(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

RandomGal April 16, 2016 4:45 am

Yaoi where the uke doesn't seem to eat much purposely and the seme notices?
Thanks ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

RandomGal April 2, 2016 12:52 am

Yaoi where the uke purrs when pet?
Or where the seme likes to pet the uke as a form of poking fun/ as a distraction?

RandomGal March 10, 2016 12:25 am

Yaoi where the uke has a very sensitive spine/back that the seme likes to poke/stroke?ヾ(☆▽☆)

RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:00 am

Well I just kinda found out I might actually have depression with a slight eating problem.To top it off I'm slightly suicidal.
And I'm saying this on here because Ive seen wondrous things happen on this website. (Next to leading to my yaoi obsession ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭)
To put all joking aside, I don't feel like I'm being grateful. Theres so many going through so much out there. I don't DESERVE to be ungrateful or unhappy. I'm being stupid.
I should be happy. I should want to live on and enjoy life.
But I'm not.
Am I doing something wrong? Should I feel as guilty as I do for feeling this way?
( I'm extremely open about personal stuff, if you have questions, ask away)

    Fer>∆< February 15, 2016 3:13 am

    Many people think that in life you always need to be enthusiastic and happy about life, and the ones that are not are usually treated as depressed or weird, but what matter if you are not happy with your life all the time. In my opinion is better to be really happy a couple of seconds than being
    hypocritically happy all the time, Life is ti live it happy or not but to never lose your opportunities to be happy even if is only a second. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:36 am
    Many people think that in life you always need to be enthusiastic and happy about life, and the ones that are not are usually treated as depressed or weird, but what matter if you are not happy with your life a... Fer>∆<

    Of course, I agree (⌒▽⌒)
    Thank you for replying

    Going anonymous February 15, 2016 3:50 am

    Questions for you: What takes up your time? Are you going to school, or working (or both)?

    What do you do in your leisure time (besides reading yaoi and hanging out here, which is a valid and brilliant hobby... but what else?)

    What is your social life like? Do you have friends you can hang out with? Do you have a close friend?

    Sometimes the feelings you describe can be triggered by a subconscious feeling that maybe there is something you should be doing. Something to get yourself moving forward if find your life is stalled or boring right now.

    tokidoki February 15, 2016 4:59 am

    Depression is a disease, like any other (ie Cancer).I have gone through suicidal depression. It is often a chemical imbalance in the brain, you need to use medication to repair that. There is absolutely no need to feel guilt over that - that would be saying that you feel guilt for getting cancer. Please seek help - especially if you are feeling suicidal. Take care.

    OvrLokdShdws February 15, 2016 5:09 am

    You are not alone. To be honest I attempted suicide a year ago. I was found and rushed to the hospital. They found me in time that I have no lasting damage. I had no reason to but I also had no reason not to.
    Right now I'm a full time college student looking for a job and I'm stressed about my future, but I talk to my friends and family now. I know I'm not alone and when I can't take it anymore now I go to them. You can talk to others just like you are now.

    If you ever want to talk just message me. I'll listen to whatever you have to say.

    nickname February 15, 2016 5:19 am

    You know, I am.. from the moment I born untill now, my parent never ever letting me go, they (my parent) and my family (brother, younger brother and younger sister, I have 2 brother and 7 younger brother + sister) they never letting me do whatever I want to do, they always like that untill now, when they go to holiday together I was always left alone at home to do chores and taking care of my younger brother / sister. always like that, I never have time to play around or befriends with real people, I always at home, they decided where I school, when I must arrive at home, what I eat, who I can speak about whatever, who I can befriend and it suffocating me. I am depressed all the time, why me...?? why always me...?? why just me..?? why I born as the first female on my family?? why they doing something like that to me but not to my brother? why?

    time pass and now I still spend most of my time at home, I don't have friends and I never go out for refreshing or such. but I don't know why and when, I stopped asking about myself, I let them go. maybe, this is just the way my life for me. of course I want different life, living with the one I want, the one I love, spend all of our time together and such, but I let it go.

    maybe again, it's because I am getting old. all I can think about is how to make myself happy, so that people around me happy as well. because I realized, my life is what happen now and what happen in front of me, not about my fantasy and not about "the life I want".

    you,too.. It's wrong if you ever thinking about suicide, your life is precious, how miserable your life was.. your life is precious. don't waste it,

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 5:48 am
    Questions for you: What takes up your time? Are you going to school, or working (or both)? What do you do in your leisure time (besides reading yaoi and hanging out here, which is a valid and brilliant hobby...... @Going anonymous

    I go to high school, and have an after school club, UNICEF. After that, I stay at home, taking care if my siblings.
    I like to read and listen to music. Also if I'm alone I dance and sing a bit. I try my best to stay distracted.
    I have quite a bit of friends, I'm very friendly, I befriend just about anyone. But I keep a distance. I have one very close friend that I hang out with, but I've never told her about my, erm, problems.
    Because of keeping a distance, I feel bored and start thinking too much
    And my thinking unfortunately becomes dangerous.

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 5:54 am
    Depression is a disease, like any other (ie Cancer).I have gone through suicidal depression. It is often a chemical imbalance in the brain, you need to use medication to repair that. There is absolutely no need... tokidoki

    I've always been afraid to admit that I might have depression.
    Thank you, for replying, I hope everything is going well for you(⌒▽⌒)
    Unfortunately my family, especially my mom wouldn't really care.
    She's already taken me out if therapy saying that I'm exaggerating my feelings.
    I've mentioned it to my dad once. He begged me to "get better" and "be strong" and I feel like I've betrayed him in so many ways ╥﹏╥

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 6:02 am
    You are not alone. To be honest I attempted suicide a year ago. I was found and rushed to the hospital. They found me in time that I have no lasting damage. I had no reason to but I also had no reason not to. R... OvrLokdShdws

    What stops me from going any further is the thought of never being able to see my darling little sister grow up. Of never seeing my family learn from their mistakes and go forward. Of never having a bigger and better future.
    I would stare at this hook on my wall and think how easy it could be.
    Grab all the knives and lay them down and just stare.
    Wonder how many pills it would take to make it all go away.
    But I look over.
    And see my family, and friends. And I turn away and tell myself no.
    Thank you for replying, I hope everything goes well (⌒▽⌒)

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 6:08 am
    You know, I am.. from the moment I born untill now, my parent never ever letting me go, they (my parent) and my family (brother, younger brother and younger sister, I have 2 brother and 7 younger brother + sist... nickname

    I wont waste it. I do realize how precious my life is, and I think about it, but I never do.
    I hope everything is well for you, thanks for replying(⌒▽⌒)

    Anon February 15, 2016 6:19 am
    I've always been afraid to admit that I might have depression.Thank you, for replying, I hope everything is going well for you(⌒▽⌒)Unfortunately my family, especially my mom wouldn't really care.She's alr... RandomGal

    You haven't betrayed him. I don't know your dad, of course, but I think he wants to help you and just doesn't know how. As for your mom, I think that she just doesn't understand that this is a serious issue for you.

    There was a time when I was seriously depressed and I also thought about committing suicide. I knew that I had a lot of good things in my life, but I just felt so alone and scared. I didn't think anyone would understand and I felt that it was my problem so I just had to deal with it. The fear and depression just kept building and building. My teacher wanted told my parents I should see the councilor, but they didn't think it was necessary. They didn't understand that it was a big deal to me. Eventually, I just broke. I locked up my emotions in a coffin and buried them deep inside me. It's been years since then and I'm still trying to dig them out. I really regret that I didn't try to make my parents understand that it was a big deal to me and that I needed help.

    Please, don't make the same mistake that I did. Asking for help like this is a great first step, but you really need to talk to someone about this. Some problems are just to hard to solve on your own.

    nickname February 15, 2016 6:33 am
    I wont waste it. I do realize how precious my life is, and I think about it, but I never do.I hope everything is well for you, thanks for replying(⌒▽⌒) RandomGal

    Now, everything is well for me,.. I hope all of good things for you, (▰˘◡˘▰)

    OvrLokdShdws February 15, 2016 6:55 am
    What stops me from going any further is the thought of never being able to see my darling little sister grow up. Of never seeing my family learn from their mistakes and go forward. Of never having a bigger and ... RandomGal

    That might be what saved me too. The thought of leaving everyone behind and how much more pain they would be in with me gone than anything I might be going through now. Best wished for you too.

    J Unleashed February 15, 2016 7:00 am

    It's really hard for me to do this, but if there's a chance it will make a difference... You spoke of your darling little sister. Please keep her in your mind always. It's nearly 3 years to the day that my older brother took his own life. It STILL tears me up me up horribly. It overshadows all other fond memories I have of him. DON'T ever do that to your sister.

    If you ever get that low, do whatever you can to reach out to somebody. Anybody. If mom and dad can't pull through for you, talk to a nurse or counselor at school. Call the suicide hotline. Others here have gotten through these kind of things. You can too, RandomGal.

    I'm probably saying all the wrong things, but I feel compelled to give your sister a voice that you might've not thought to consider.

    JulietClaire February 15, 2016 8:44 am

    I think most people go through depression in some point of their life. When I'm in high school, I sometimes think of suicide too but the thing that stops me (it's kinda funny) is that going through with it will be painful. I hate pain. Anyways, just bear with it and I think it will go away soon. Try socializing more too. Sometimes I think back about the me on those depressing times and I'm happy that I did not go along with it cause if I did, I would not be experiencing the happy times I have right now. Sure there's still ups and downs but that's part of life.

    KawaiiKiller February 15, 2016 9:15 am

    you shouldn't think that it is selfish to be depressed. If that was the case then no one could be sad because there is always someone who has it worse.
    My opinion is that you should find the root of your depression. I actually deal with winter depression(which many take lightly) but I realized that it has biological reason for it, and therefore I have to take a lot of vitamins. I was also once depressed because of a terrible job that I had, and the moment I quit I felt such joy.

    Don't think that the negative feelings are something you should deprive that will just make it worse.

    Painful Tears February 15, 2016 10:45 am
    You know, I am.. from the moment I born untill now, my parent never ever letting me go, they (my parent) and my family (brother, younger brother and younger sister, I have 2 brother and 7 younger brother + sist... nickname

    U remind me of my friend....I just wrote this whole speech thing about her and I accident,y clicked aomething else and it got all erased.....and I'm like...-_- wtf......I understand how u feel and ur position ur in. My friend is in a tight spot too. She wishes her parents r home more often but they can't cuz they r at work, trying to put food on the table and paying the bills...she understands that her parents r trying really hard...she goes through so many things yet she is still standing strong...

    Painful Tears February 15, 2016 10:52 am

    U chose to be happy, u chose to be depressed.
    It's ur choice to change or not.
    I was raped by my own brother, I can't forgive him but my mother asked me a question, she asked if I want to be happy I have to forgive him. I couldn't forgive him but as time went on...I slowly forgave him but not all the way...I think of killing myself but killing myself would be pointless to the situation I'm in....being raped is way worse then ur eatting problem...believe me, would u rather have a eatting problem and that ur being bullied about it or would u rather have a brother who raped u and is still living with u and that those parents aren't doing anything cuz they love him so much....well? Which one do u prefer?....

    nickname February 15, 2016 10:57 am
    U remind me of my friend....I just wrote this whole speech thing about her and I accident,y clicked aomething else and it got all erased.....and I'm like...-_- wtf......I understand how u feel and ur position u... Painful Tears

    thanks for your understanding. that's just life. my life.

    《Lilas》--❦--❀ February 15, 2016 11:11 am

    Albeit I have plenty to say about this matter but it is possible that my way of thinking wouldn't be alluring to you (because I don't think that two people can think the same way). Each individual is unique. I don't know what is the solution which might work out the best for you because the only person who can do that is you. However, let's suppose that you're on a ship which is sinking (having suicidal thoughts is just like that), and you actually ended up in the water. You're struggling. Everyone around you is struggling too. Everyone is trying to save themselves and you're alone; what will you do? What will your thoughts be then? No one will come to rescue you because everyone around you is facing the same hardship. Would you give up on yourself? But if you surrendered, if you quit, wouldn't that be like saying that your existence is unimportant? And if you really deep down there, believe that it is trivial, is this how you want to exit life i.e. leaving without living? We can't say that we're really alive until we turn our lives into an adventure, until we get fired up because we are alive, because we're breathing, because each precious minute can lead to an adventure. Thinking about the wrecked ship won't lead to anywhere, trying to figure out why it sunk in the first place won't bring much help either. What is going to make a difference is acting immediately to save yourself. You need to find the switch which is going to turn your willpower on. Figuring out why you got depressed in the first place shouldn't be the priority here but what you're going to do to change that. What motivational speaker you're going to listen to? What inspiring book are you going to read? What goals are you going to pursue? What new things are you going to discover? The lack of curiosity, of imagination, of willpower is our biggest enemy because it sucks life out of us. It is like dying at 25 and being buried at 65. No one in his right mind would want to end up like that. I hope that the next time you post your questions, it is going to be about your dreams and how to transform them into goals. Finally, I am going to say something to you but don't take it the wrong way because this is what I say to myself when my willpower starts to waver: "stop whining and start grinding", and "it is not over until I win". I am planning to get a T-shirt of Mohammad Ali Clay too, with the words "I am the greatest" written on it. I figured that if he could be the greatest, then so can I and you (and anyone else if they put their mind into it). Wow that's cool, you are going to be cool too, just "start grinding", get fired up (⌒▽⌒) . P.S. I hope that you're going to be curious about why Muhammad Ali chose those particular words, and get the answer for yourself (because I am stingy and I won't tell you). ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ . It is worth the trouble you know.

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:28 pm
    You haven't betrayed him. I don't know your dad, of course, but I think he wants to help you and just doesn't know how. As for your mom, I think that she just doesn't understand that this is a serious issue for... @Anon

    Of course, thank you so much for replying. I hope everything is well(⌒▽⌒)

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:34 pm
    It's really hard for me to do this, but if there's a chance it will make a difference... You spoke of your darling little sister. Please keep her in your mind always. It's nearly 3 years to the day that my olde... J Unleashed

    I've always considered her, my baby, she's my everything. Every time I have a compulsion I think about what her reaction would be if she sees me, how she would deal with it. And it horrifies me. I am so sorry for your brother, he must've been such a wonderful person to give you such fond memories. And thank you so, so much. I hope it all goes well for you (⌒▽⌒)

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:38 pm
    Albeit I have plenty to say about this matter but it is possible that my way of thinking wouldn't be alluring to you (because I don't think that two people can think the same way). Each individual is unique. I ... 《Lilas》--❦--❀

    Oh my goodness, ahahaha.
    It reminds me of my random "bursts of encouragement" where I would go, "Ok mely, get up and do this again" (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    And it usually ends up with a hyper me trying to understand how I can turn my situation into something better.
    Thank you for replying (⌒▽⌒)

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:46 pm
    U chose to be happy, u chose to be depressed.It's ur choice to change or not.I was raped by my own brother, I can't forgive him but my mother asked me a question, she asked if I want to be happy I have to forgi... Painful Tears

    Well I think this is a negative way of thinking, please don't get offended, but pain is not a competition. I am not saying my eating problem is the source of my pain, but the years and years of physical, mental, and verbal abuse caused by the person who was supposed to shield me from that in the first place. The worst thing about it is that I have no choice but to endure it until I have a stable place to give my siblings a better life. I've seen so much, felt so much, told that there are others who've had it worse, from those who have spoken to me, I've learned that that is not the case. I am seriously sorry about your situation, I hope things have gotten better.
    Thank you for replying.

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:51 pm
    you shouldn't think that it is selfish to be depressed. If that was the case then no one could be sad because there is always someone who has it worse. My opinion is that you should find the root of your depres... KawaiiKiller

    Of course, thank you so much, I've been told I shouldn't deprive myself of any of my feelings. To take them head on.
    Thank you so much for replying, I wish the best for you, and hope everything goes well (⌒▽⌒)

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 3:57 pm
    I think most people go through depression in some point of their life. When I'm in high school, I sometimes think of suicide too but the thing that stops me (it's kinda funny) is that going through with it will... JulietClaire

    I've been like this since a very young age, I so hope that it goes away sooner ot later, I want to be happy without feeling like I don't deserve happiness.
    But I understand there would be happier times in my life and I should be patient for those times. Thank you for replying ^~^

    《Lilas》--❦--❀ February 15, 2016 4:36 pm
    Oh my goodness, ahahaha.It reminds me of my random "bursts of encouragement" where I would go, "Ok mely, get up and do this again" (๑•ㅂ•)و✧And it usually ends up with a hyper me trying to understand ... RandomGal

    hey, hey, hey ... who said anything about "random" or a hyper? I am like that 24/7. I call it fighting spirit and positive thinking, I call it being there for myself, loving myself and pampering myself like the cute kitty I am, meooooooooow (● ̄(エ) ̄●) . You shouldn't be stingy and you should pamper yourself more, show me some attitude, some fire, some colors baby ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ . If other people can do it, you can to. Anyway, I hope that everything will work out for the best for you. Hopefully, next time you'll talk about your dreams and life goals. I really would love to hear about those. Cheers (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    RandomGal February 15, 2016 4:43 pm
    hey, hey, hey ... who said anything about "random" or a hyper? I am like that 24/7. I call it fighting spirit and positive thinking, I call it being there for myself, loving myself and pampering myself like the... 《Lilas》--❦--❀


RandomGal February 7, 2016 8:17 pm

Any good yaoi where the seme teases the uke with any spot that drives him crazy? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Anywhere around his body.

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