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f i a's experience ( All 0 )

f i a's answer ( All 4 )

about question
Well known ones I enjoyed (for the most part) - What's wrong with secretary kim? (office romcom) - Descendants of the sun (military/medical rom) [ - Hotel Del Luna (fantasy/horror rom) - The Legend of the blue sea (fantasy/reincarnation romcom) - Goblin/ Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (Fantasy rom) - Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (Romcom) - W: Two ......   1 reply
10 07,2021
about question
Chad Mo Lester   1 reply
03 07,2021
To outlive Cheeto man   1 reply
06 06,2021
yeah imma be honest...i didnt read this whole thing word by word lowkey gave up in the middle but i agree on the part of not using that term, as someone who reads all kinds of genres including BL/yaoi i do not associate my self as a ¨fujoshi¨ because when i think of that i think of a girl who is obsessed with homosexual relationships and fetishes......   reply
10 07,2020

f i a's question ( All 1 )

f i a
10 07,2020
hey so like this may or may not be tmi but like i naturally as a kid had like arm hair and leg hair, etc but like not armpit hair or down there hair (well like duh..i was a child, not now obv) but then puberty came and i eventually grew armpit hair and down there hair but like does anyone else question why tho?? like i get that it is a sign of sexual maturity and to trap bacteria from getting in ur inner sensitive parts but like what abt when i was like younger and had no hair, what kept the bacteria from entering?? anyways i usually just shave my armpit hair off like monthly and i gave up on shaving down there..and just trim when its too long for my liking. i solely do this not because i want to feel hygienic because u can have body hair and still be hygienic but i find it annoying for some reason..i stretched this topic out wayyy to much so srry for that
10 07,2020

People are doing

want to do survived suicide

sick of people

56 minutes
did survived suicide

crazy experience

5 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

9 hours