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whoever talks shit about my lord shall have the wrath of the gods upon thee

Jiminbra created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

i really wish it would stop throwing in weird plot twists without explaining/finishing earlier twists lmao the story is all over the place now.
and does he like fucking the dad more?? jihyung just seems like a revenge hate-fuck, and he shouldn’t have been brought back as the victim. he should’ve stayed as the asshole tbh

Jiminbra created a topic of Afterglow

i want side stories that just shows tenju’s back during sex. that’s it. all back baby

Jiminbra created a topic of Regas

i’m on the fence here, i really REALLY want to see sexy grown up prince(bc you know that boy will grow up fine AF with a sprinkle of possessive issues) but if that means abel has to reincarnate into some blonde haired wuss i’d rather not thanks

Jiminbra created a topic of Milk and Cream
Jiminbra created a topic of Slammer Dogs

leave my baby alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jiminbra created a topic of Someone Like You

it’s always “i love you” never “my blanket my fireplace my quilt my sunshine my warmth my spring”

Jiminbra created a topic of Pure Love Operation
Jiminbra created a topic of Be My Baby

his hit it and quit it is turning into hit it and joint custody

“my tires got slashed by a stalker” yeah suuuuure it was a stalker

Jiminbra created a topic of Work Love Balance

why is everyone complaining about a love triangle that clearly hasn’t and probably will never happen like damn cool your jets peeps and have faith in the author

Jiminbra created a topic of Into The Thrill

i’m fine if he sleeps with everyone on the planet BUT woojin tbh that dude gives me the fuckin creeps and not in a sexy good way blargh

Jiminbra created a topic of Monday'saviour

are we supposed to forget that the ML basically told the MC he’s just a boy toy to him??? like?? that’s the most frustrating part of the series for me right now
still love them tho

Jiminbra created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

go jigsaw on his ass

Jiminbra created a topic of Gig of the Day

HE GOT KICKED OUT INSTEAD AHAHA SERVES YOU RIGHT LOSER he’s so innocent “but didn’t you want to leave?” love me a soft strong baby boi

Jiminbra created a topic of Waterside Night

someone’s going to die, and they’ll die hard
taeju you scary af right now and i LOVE IT!!!!

Jiminbra created a topic of Can't Think Straight

wow the thirst is real, his eyes got scary wild when he found out he’s pervy garam’s first suck

Jiminbra created a topic of Mad Dog

sehyun’s snake tattoo is my new kink

Jiminbra created a topic of December

the chairman is so funny he’s the best part of this series imo

Jiminbra created a topic of Juvenile Offender

btw yoosung i’m free anytime any day anywhere so hit me up when you get out pls