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Porn stars can be happily married and in monogamous partnerships. There are also polygamous couples and swingers. Real people exist in these dynamics and are not inherently unhappy. People set rules for their relationship and some of the rules or lack there of will not jive with you. That’s okay, why, because you are not in their relationship. I doubt you would want to insert yourself in every relationship you read about.

And for y’all saying sex work is not real work. Besides that ideology leading the criminalization and therefore no open regulation on a field prone to human trafficking (as in if your a normal sex worker and see someone being trafficked you can’t report it because you will also be arrested), you also don’t really believe that. Someone drew and wrote this erotic manga, that is sex work. In tv shows there are make out scenes / sex scenes, that is sex work. Models in bikinis, etc. It may not be having sex directly but it is created to make you feel an erotic way.