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TodoChokeMe's experience ( All 0 )

TodoChokeMe's answer ( All 3 )

A week before April Fools Day, I (for that entire week) walked up to my dad (at 6am) and asked, "I didn't know we had a guest this early" and and pointed at the empty dinner table and walked away. Each time he would look over to the dinner table and then back at me with the most confused face ever, sometimes even a little terrified. I never said ......   2 reply
14 09,2020
SNAFU!!! I'm obsessed with Hikigaya T^T   reply
14 09,2020
I am Christian. Although since childhood I've felt like I was uneasy about religion and such. I doubted if it was real or not and now I'm neutral. Although I'm more Christian than not. I like what I like and I read yaoi and many others. I feel like God will accept you and what you like. There is nothing in the bible that says, thou shall not like w......   reply
09 06,2020

TodoChokeMe's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do survived suicide

sick of people

4 hours
did survived suicide

crazy experience

9 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

13 hours