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belsefar created a topic of Waterside Night

I’ve never had a seme go from red flag to green flag like this and now I’m spoiled

All the haters are exhausting. Thisbe never claimed to be the saint. Everyone else assumed it. Now they’re all talking shit about her for what?

belsefar created a topic of Alpha Buddy

I’m really confused ┗( T﹏T )┛

who’s that? none of your business that’s who

belsefar created a topic of Dear Benjamin

To anyone confused, the controversy was that the artist (not the author!) used to draw Kaisoo/EXO doujin where Kyungsoo was visibly a toddler. CP, undeniably. Obviously the artist denied at first, but fans were able to go through the manhwa and find panels that the artist had replicated from the doujin, and she confessed after which the company producing this manhwa decided it would be on hiatus.

Unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if it couldn’t go back to publication. Maybe the artist would directly profit from sales. Not sure how her contract goes. Also people might associate this manhwa with their art too much.

I feel bad for the author though ): didn’t deserve it.

belsefar created a topic of Define The Relationship

Wish they drew the expressions like he enjoyed it and not like he’s being waterboarded tho

belsefar created a topic of Define The Relationship

I was worried about him ngl but since he says he enjoys it I guess they get to be as kinky as they want

belsefar created a topic of Exclusive No-Love Zone

Hate the side couple he cheated for years!!

I feel like I have to learn a whole new language to understand this

I know an emotionally fragile person like Sienna. The doormat behavior, the easy to manipulate, huge attractor to bullies (the last one is is the most frustrating, mean girls seem to always be able to tell!! Sharks to blood fr).This depiction is accurate. It’s pretty much how that girl would react. Worst part is no matter how much you encourage that type of person to stand up for themselves, they are almost incapable of it.

The only way she got even slightly better? Therapy. Hope Sienna can get something like that bc she needs it.

belsefar created a topic of Love is not real

I don’t think Kihyun loves Youngwon. I think Youngwon tired him out and traumatized him enough that he can’t be with anyone else

That blond bitch has a lot of nerve sleeping with her husband and then trying to “fix” their relationship. guess what? you and her husband shattered it!

belsefar created a topic of With You

gonna let this cook for a bit before I come back to it

belsefar created a topic of Sora To Hara

I read this as a teen and didn’t understand before why it was so wrong what was happening. Now I feel sick to my stomach. These pedos literally get away consequence free. THEY WIL CONTINUE TO HAVE ACCESS TO CHILDREN. And it didn’t have to be this way.

Like what if instead of the pedo route it would have been Haru finding out that the other teacher was doing the same thing he had done to him when he was in high school and the HELPED the kid understand it wasn’t real love and the teacher actually had to face the consequences of his actions and was FIRED. (And also quit himself bc what he did in Doukyuusei was not okay).

Also, why couldn’t sorano have been appropriately aged and someone he met at a bar or been like idk ex childhood friend he fought with over the sensei thing?

Looking back at all the manga I read as a teen it’s actually concerning how much student x teacher stuff there was. And most of it included r*pe. The only one I can still stomach is good bad education but that’s bc the teacher was absolutely miserable about it. I still think it’s inappropriate now though.

Bro you just know seme has been dying since he got that selfie of mc and some other girl

belsefar created a topic of Together With Woo Rae

They got together so fast at first I thought it was going to be a plot twist that it was all in Woo Rae’s imagination

belsefar created a topic of Handflower

*adds to reading list like it’ll be updated in this century* ╥﹏╥

belsefar created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Aeroc: *breathes in anybody’s general direction*
Klopp: *fuming* look at how flirtatious he flirts with other alphas