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Kambe Daisuke January 4, 2021 1:59 pm

This may just be me, but I feel like Rael shouldn't have been yelled at like that at the end. I mean in that scenario she made the decision she thought was best because she didn't think both of them could make it. Yunifer obviously thought that both of them could survive, but in that situation we really can't be sure. Like from what i saw from the panels, the tentacle looked really close to both of them. I feel like if Ishid wasn't there, one or both of them would have been captured. But I don't know. Either way, Rael did what she thought was best, and she did try and save Yunifer. The way Yunifer was like "do you think I'm someone who needs saving", it just makes me think that she has something to prove. Like I'm sure she's not a damsel in distress and is very capable, but just because she isn't someone who needs saving doesn't mean she can't be saved. I don't know if that made sense, but it was kind of annoying when Rael got yelled at for what I felt like was not her fault.

    Spoopy_Noodle January 9, 2021 6:08 pm

    I think it was more that she is surrounded by “stronger” people aka rael and ishid I also think blond dude has been hinted to be pretty strong as well I also think she knows that they kinda see her i that light bcz they’re used to people being weaker then them and I think the anger was just about that she cares about rael and that she was angry about her trying to sacrifice herself

Kambe Daisuke October 3, 2020 4:50 pm

This story confuses me a bit. We spent a major portion of this manhwa reading the story in Caidel's perspective. And the impression I got was that he really is a good person. If the story suddenly makes him into a bad person, it just wouldn't makes sense. I would understand if he was a character where we never got to hear his inner thoughts, but only from someone else's perspective. But we were able to hear a lot of Caidel's thoughts. And how can you deceive someone in their own head. It doesn't make sense. So I hope the author doesn't makes Caidel evil somehow.
Also when Noah asks Eleanor whether she doesn't know Caidel's true identity, does he mean the fact that he is the son of her master?
I'm also a bit confused about the fire that was caused by Eleanor and the fire at the Earl's home. Were they in the same area? Or were they two separate incidents. Because if it were the same incident, that occured because of the contract, how were some lives spared while others were not. Should it not have taken every life?

    aikon October 21, 2020 6:17 pm

    I don't know if you noticed (or maybe I remembered wrong). But we rarely hear Cadiel's thoughts AFTER the ball which was where he found out Ellen was the girl from his past. Which means that he was sincere before, but after finding out he had these evil thoughts.

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