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some of the comments here be like "i wanna be them!!" or "ugh i'm jealous of what they have " yall irl this is a restraining order

they're so (sobbing)

Jay loves Conan very much created a topic of Lick.

i feel like he's just a victim of SA atp cuz he always looked like he hated it...

Age gap mangas rarely feel wholesome (sometimes it feels weird/predatory) and this one is so wholesome and i love it!! fl is such a queen i love her like she's so cute and cool and she can bend me in half and spank me. same goes for the ml he can literally choke me until i suffocate. anyways this is such a wholesome manga!!!

and i personally think the webnovel portrays this story better than the webtoon, mostly because there is a lot of nuance to the story that isn't portrayed well. in the webtoon, ml's first meeting with fl is one of the most important scenes. the music box that he received in the orphanage is also super super important and i think the webnovel shows that aspect better i think. i really couldn't hate the ml in the webnovel, but the webnovel also doesn't excuse his wrongdoings. in fact, the webtoon also shows how clearly he abuses her and neglects her. the webnovel imo focuses A LOT on the fl and how she grows to be a better person despite the pain that she has to go through, and that is why i love the webnovel. i'm not sure if the webtoon will clearly convey her growth and i'm worried that people will only see this webtoon as a sob story/ml regrets typa story. tbh i love this story because of the fl and how resilient she the webnovel i was so mad and angry at the ml, but you can understand his motivations which made you empathize with him more (but his backgrounds still dont justify his actions!!). i suggest reading the webnovel for a better understanding of the story if you're interested!

as a closeted bi in a conservative community, i HATE 'allies' who would point out my sexuality...i really hate being put on the spot about my sexuality, especially since i'm trying to not show that i'm queer. i've met people like this irl and god they're the most frustrating people i've met. istg just shut up even if you know!!! anyways i think keishi was a dick for that like he didn't need to say all that he could literally just make up an excuse or play dumb but NOPEEEE

but i also get why keishi does that cuz sometimes being homophobic is the best defense to stay closeted...but also why the heck would he put down his lover like that i feel so bad for the manager :(((

also i wanna add: 'allies' who say they're not prejudiced are almost always prejudiced LMFAO like if you're really an ally then don't be nosy about people's sexualities!!! shut up and keep your thoughts to yourself!! i've met SO MANY 'allies' who just can't keep their thoughts to themselves like?? if you wanna assume my sexuality, stfu and keep those thoughts to yourself. don't talk about it to others and don't ask me about it!!!

but adult miyano literally drives me crazy wtf he's literally my type i love nerds so much thank you for being born author

omfg adult miyano...drooling rn


some of yall actually think therapy is going to solve all their issues these TEENAGERS are heavily traumatized at such a young age, obviously they're gonna grow up to have issues that affect their communication with people. therapy can help them to go through their issues, but it's not easy to get through their issues when they grew up in a harsh & cruel environment. the reason why i'm saying this is because i'm seeing people commenting stuff like blaming haesol for not getting therapy?? ZERO media literacy please think about it!! she was abused and neglected by her guardians!!! obviously it's hard for her to understand emotions if she never got to experience a healthy childhood!!!!!!

cuz i can't handle kalmia's dumbass actions cuz what the fuck!!! why would you go to your enemy's house!!!!!!

he made garam's ass looked fingerlicking good ngl...bro can be the next tzuyang but with men's ass


i feel really bad for the ml cuz i've read the webnovel her father is just...idk what to say. and at first he really liked her, but then she said something that threw him off (which was spoiled at the beginning of the webtoon if you were really aware) that made him think her father and her might both be the problem. and in a way, to the society of that era, she's basically marie antoinette (innocent young girls who're mostly vilified because of their ignorance, not because they were part of the main problem)

furuya nagisa knows how to draw from the start their eyes were drawn so nicely like you can feel every single emotions they felt ☹

i want to hear the green-haired guy moaning

cuz i really enjoyed the main couple's story LMFAO like yes it was toxic but i love seeing men crying and heejae fits the trope for me!!!! yes he was a piece of shit and irl i would literally call the police!!! but in fiction idc heejae crying was what made me come back to this shit EVERY SINGLE TIME

also sunyool graduated from the university of babygirlism with honors HE IS THE BABYGIRL

where can i find a gentle tattooed man who's amazingly good at dicking me down


yousuke's dad is so ლ(´ڡ`ლ)