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1991 February 21, 2021 11:32 am

“Could they ever be happy?”
“In their own way, why not?”

Am I the only one who interprets this as a “positive” thing? (An ending where they will be happy together). I was surprised to see so many ppl think otherwise.
like I see this as her suggestively saying “why can’t they be happy together?” - “in their own way” .. as in not a “normal relationship” or a conventional relationship. They will both have to overcome many hardships and much more obstacles as compared to an “ordinary couple”.

Also, isn’t the ‘basics’ of the story sequence a bit obvious ? (not a criticism).. inevitable drama, emotional scenes involving S’s past, N realising he loves S, confessions.. more drama.. and eventually them together. So I’m not too concerned about the ending but am more here to experience the development in their relationship.

**I am even 99% sure they will be together in the end. Whether it’s a good thing or not depends on the reader .. but I find it quite obvious that the finale will show them with each other... well, we will see in the future..

    Dae February 21, 2021 12:05 pm

    Same, I'm hoping for a clear ending and agree with your points

    Zarathustra February 21, 2021 1:34 pm

    You are right. It's funny watching people here saying, oh see, she said Seungho deserves jail so she will write social justice story like he is real person.... this Q&A was written over a year ago and the story moved exactly like a classic Yaoi plot that you described.

1991 July 24, 2020 11:24 am

saw this & it rlly reminded me of mo

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