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strawdovey April 7, 2024 6:19 pm

the tie around yuu's neck IM LEVITATING OMFG TSUBAKI YOUR MIND >>> also since this is the same creator of blend-s imagine if we got an anime for this too omg or at least some ova's

    Yuzo April 7, 2024 9:44 pm


strawdovey March 22, 2024 7:57 pm

Natsuki and Chika are LOCKED IN idk why everyone is worried when we've clearly been shown this entire time how much love and trust they have in each other. The jealousy feelings arising are only proof of that. I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing between them. Even the characters themselves know their feelings are kinda messy but that's fine. It's why this manga is so realistic and human.

As for Minori, she's really not a concern either. I've bought the physical volumes for this and like others have said, she has feelings for her doctor friend. Everyone is mad and Chika for being nice to her but I don't see the problem? Chika is a kind and polite person and Natsuki obviously knows and appreciates this about his partner, even if it does make him kinda jealous sometimes BUT THOSE FEELINGS ARE FINE AND NORMAL even in a relationship as secure as theirs!! Also yes she's weird for what she did but the way y'all treat and talk about female characters in these stories y'all are starting to sound a bit misogynistic so... relax

    SpoilerWoman March 24, 2024 2:06 pm

    Can you tell me what's going to happen to Touma? Will he meet Chika? Please <3

    strawdovey March 24, 2024 6:17 pm
    Can you tell me what's going to happen to Touma? Will he meet Chika? Please <3 SpoilerWoman

    As of volume 9 ending, no Touma and Chika don't meet or talk. Touma's little brother gets lost and after they find him, Natsuki talks to Touma to properly reject him and assure him he doesn't have a chance. Touma sees Chika standing in the distance waiting for Natsuki to finish talking and understands that they're boyfriends. It seems like that's the end of their contact for now. It does show a little bit of Touma getting along better with his family afterwards so that's nice :)

    SpoilerWoman March 24, 2024 10:51 pm
    As of volume 9 ending, no Touma and Chika don't meet or talk. Touma's little brother gets lost and after they find him, Natsuki talks to Touma to properly reject him and assure him he doesn't have a chance. Tou... strawdovey

    Thank you very much for the information <3

    Torment Obelisker March 31, 2024 4:10 am
    As of volume 9 ending, no Touma and Chika don't meet or talk. Touma's little brother gets lost and after they find him, Natsuki talks to Touma to properly reject him and assure him he doesn't have a chance. Tou... strawdovey

    I really appreciate this I was stressing about it ! Usually I don't want to read spoilers but this one eased my heart thanks ;;

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