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notabot September 14, 2020 7:17 am

Okay so you know the cold, stern and rich *Top* who is also a CEO of a big company is a classic. Quiet, hot headed and fucks really good too. Big dicked up as well. But it gets pretty repetitive seeing the same plot over and over again. Don’t get me wrong I’d still read a BL starring hot CEO, it’s just I wanna see more versatile tops. I’ve been reading manga/manhwa/manhua for quite a long time so I do a lot of exploring. 2017 I started getting into yaoi again but it seemed I haven’t done enough reading. I really want to see a wild, hot head, aloof Top. A personality that’s really tsundere like but shows his true nature when he’s in bed. I also want to see a Top that’s super quiet. He’s easy to make cry but knows what’s up when things need to get serious. He’s doesn’t take the lead in be. If you could recommend me any of this type of manga/manhwa I’d really appreciate that. Also it’s doesn’t have to be yaoi.

notabot September 13, 2020 7:26 am

Okay am I the only one experiencing this? I click on my updated manga tab because it’s been showing the same manga that’s been updated 1/2 days ago for awhile. There’s nothing new, I checked yesterday as well. when I search up the names of the manga that are on my list it’s shows that new chapter are already released. It’s a minor problem but it’s inconvenient because I do rely heavily on it. Also I refresh multiple time, log out and back on. Idk maybe I’m just dumb

    ankomushi09 September 13, 2020 7:31 am

    Omg the same thing is happening to me too. It's getting really annoying now

    enzhar September 13, 2020 8:02 am

    notifications update once a day, the update time differs based on your time zone. for the manga in your lists, make sure the checkbox "subscribe this manga" is checked, otherwise u won't get any notification when it updates

    ankomushi09 September 13, 2020 9:56 am
    notifications update once a day, the update time differs based on your time zone. for the manga in your lists, make sure the checkbox "subscribe this manga" is checked, otherwise u won't get any notification wh... enzhar

    Ok thank you ♪(┌・。・)┌

    yumiko September 13, 2020 12:38 pm

    you can comment on mangago’s wall, which is, and they can help
    you can mail mangago and they can fix it: [email protected]

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