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AAAAA created a topic of The Foul

MY GOD it's been awhile since I've come back to toxic romance and when I tell you this hits the SPOT. The plot is PLOTTING and I am honestly SO fucking disappointed with the spoilers ugh. It's the first that I truly hope the manhwa diverges to the novel bc the story is brewing so well and if it comes to that, this story would definitely be the one of the many that has truly lost its potential at the peak of its storyline like? There are so many instances in which I thought it would go down the cliche route so many times, with the prostitution going on and stuff, I was already setting the story up for failure from the beginning cuz let's be fr there is not a lot of stories in this genre that is any different from the rest, always using SA and rape as plot devices. But it's almost different from the rest and most of all is plot-centered? Like uGH so much potential and complexities that can be discussed from this point of the story!!! Also, taeha is looking SO good wtf like i dont normally gravitate towards his looks but goddamn i cant stop looking at his side profile, it's giving that modern 80's yaoi feels.

AAAAA created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I knew it was wrong to pick this up early bc my impatient ass CANNOT wait at all for the revelation to happen. The characters and the plot themselves is giving joongdok au and I LOVE tropes like this I can't wait for neuta to hear jigu say "hyung" during smexy scenes dear goD

AAAAA created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

This couple is one of the realest in bl. Some might say otherwise and hate these characters, but damn do they have flaws. Shizuma has a job, and although minato is jealous of the boss, he knows it is wrong. He knows he trusts shizuma, he just does not trust himself to believe. Shizuma never had intentions against minato at all, he's loyal to him, yet he also bypasses certain situations that it seems that he never thinks clearly of the problem at hand. But they're a working progress. Clearly shizuma is willing to quit his job for minato, in which minato knows it is not a good thing bc it is HIS job. Minato also tends to bottle his emotions and put all the burden to himself, which shizuma knows and is always reminding him that its 2 of them in the relationship. Honestly? That scene of minato and shizuma's mom made me tear up, cuz it might build up something more than just 2 of them. I fear it will feed unto minato's trauma and not wanting the mom to be disappointed in shizuma, about carrying out that wish. Idk what to make of this situation.

AAAAA created a topic of Waterside Night

The greenest out of the red flags right now. He may be fucked up and obsessed, but he protects!!! somebody will have to DIE. Also, the way the author draws their expressions will always get me it is so funny omg.

AAAAA created a topic of Off Stage Love Side

now THIS is an idol story that I love. I like how the story centers more on hard work and ambition, how kei's pics were used for inspiration (besides horniness ofc). AND ofc the fucking trope of, "person A falls first, Person B falls harder" bc Kei really did fall harder as fuCK.

AAAAA created a topic of Wolf In The House

The family back home after berry-picking:
(⊙…⊙ )

AAAAA created a topic of Waterside Night

Babe the egg in euihyun? Scrambled.

I just realized after reading for the nth time is that the reason why claude wears that type of clothing is bc diana introduced it to him uGH

Idek which ones I like to be the mc's supposed ML. Hatano is beautiful af but now that I think about it, idk what the dynamics would be if he were to be chosen. I think the mind reader guy would be cool too bc then he would understand the mc's situation and just go along with it. I just find it funny how he's becoming part of the bl stories like with the hair going on ohmygod

AAAAA created a topic of Define The Relationship

Dont be lying now my guy with the amounT of fucking chapters ya'll been fucking, I won't be surprised if karlyle ends up pregnant


AAAAA created a topic of Pearl Boy

It's 2040 and we've still yet to tackle on the why the FUCK does he cum pearls.

AAAAA created a topic of Kill the Villainess

This story got me feeling 173746 emotions all at once what the fuCK. The plot is good. I loooovee when isekai delves more into the notion that these are just characters in a story, yet the author brings background into them like UGH yes give me more than having to stay in the isekai, doing all funsies and shit. It gave me orv with ellin's solhwa vibes sm and I LOVE IT. Also, Lemme just say the way these MEN just keeps setting me off what the fuck hanejwjehe except ahnaki tho that man is THE MAN for eris. BRO I JUST CANT GET OVER THE FACT HOW THE TURNAROUND OF THE 3 MEN AT THE END WAS SO ODD LIKE WYM ALEC SUDDENLY HAD FEELINGS FOR ERIS AFTER THAT REVELATION OF HER BEING DEAD LIKE?? THIS MAN IS SO FUCKING WISHY WASHY HE BARELY EVEN GLANCED AT HER !!!!! AND HUBRIS?? THE WAY I GOT SHOOKT ON HIM TURNING AGAINST HER BC HE PLANNED TO BE WITH HER IN THE NEXT LIFE LIKE SIR THAT IS UR HALF SIBLING !!!!! STEPSIBLINGS ARE BAD ENOUGH, BUT HAVING FEELINGS WITH SOMEONE HALF UR BLOOD!!!! SHE MAY NOT BE THE TRU ERIS BUT ARE U NOT DISGUSTED BY URSELF UR A PRIEST. SIR U R FUCKED UP. AND KAZAAR?? IDK WHAT HE'S EVEN DOINF THERE TBH. WHEN THE 3 MEN WERE SAT ON THE TABLE PLANNING ON REVIVING ERIS INSTEAD OF DOING SHIT TO HELENA I KNEW MEN AINT SHIT IN THIS STORY. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE EMPRESS AND EMPEROR?@&÷&$^= I LOVED THAT PART OF THEIR DEATH LIKE WHEN THE EMPEROR SAID, "I was hoping to kiss you one last time" why am I crying when ur such an ass? Also, it's the relationship between helena and eris is too good. Helena saw eris' facade and saw how her surroundings treated her. & the way her being portrayed as the villianess in contrast to the people she had helped like anthalrose(?). The true eris truly just wanted to be loved . OVERALL ITS 10/10, HOWEVER IT GOT DRAG FOR TOO LONG LIKE BITCH JUST LET HER DIE ALREADY GODDAMN EVERYTIME HER PLAN GETS INTERRUPTED ITS ALWAYS THE MEN UGHHHH

AAAAA created a topic of Kill the Villainess

I have yet to finish this as I am only around 45 chaps in and can I just say how the dance lessons between helena and eris made me realized that these men could've been removed from the story if the author just made them gay like? HELENA I SAW U BLUSHING WHEN ERIS GRABBED UR WAIST STFU.

AAAAA created a topic of Yoake no Uta

THE PLOT. THE PLOT. Everything slowly unravelling in a good pace is just uGH. I had the hint from the start bc it was kind of obvious from the get-go but after having read cliche plots for some time, this story hits different!!! I have a feeling that alto would try to leave bc of his conflicting emotions. After all this time, he was put into a realization that the center of this leads back to him? And he thought he was saving them from the black sea the only thing I can think of is him doing something that prevents him from being with elva, that's why he's crying in the visions of launa bc he's all alone. OR, this might just be a figurative meaning in which he would have to keep this secret for awhile and being lost with a choice to choose from: sea or shore.

Also, Alto reminds me so much of mo ran 2.0 oh my god I LOVE him.

AAAAA created a topic of Waterside Night

Although it's been the most proper redemption arc I have seen so far. It is not enough. And tbh when his wish changed from a selfish "live together" to a selfless "dont die and live" that made me tear up, I like to imagine an angsty moment in the future wherein his redemption arc would lead to him sacrificing himself for the two brothers like getting shot or something. There is just something about him wishing him life and giving him everything to achieve that gets to me sm. He has been an asshole, but he had some soft moments from the start that kind of bled smoothly into who he has become now that it wasn't ooc of him unlike some bl characters. He's still crazy as fuck tho, but at least he is aware of his fucked up-ness.

AAAAA created a topic of Dead or alive

Bruh that chimpanzee arc was so fucking random im crying

AAAAA created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Bruh a green flag toji. I am not complaining that man is FINE.

Ngl lev and anna had the potential to be a better psychotic couple like I could see anna being put in a dangerous situation where instead of being afraid, he's turned on bc finally he gets killed off by a murderer but lev's going to kill the killer and grab him by the neck and be like, "nobody is taking you from me. You are mine to eat." And they have angry sex with Lev sucking off anna like a leech. Also where the fuCK is dieter's face reveal this is THE crime of the story.