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Manga4life asked a question

There’s a manwha I read a while back where mc is a weak geeky guy but his “skill” when activated turns him into a psycho/ murderer and he becomes op but has no control over himself. Anyone know the title please? I can’t find it for some reason

I’m finding it really funny that she treats a random stranger who looks like her dead child better than she treats a child she raised alongside her own kid, who also loved her kid, and who has a personality very similar to said dead child. And yes we can argue that because mc left she didn’t have anyone, but cmon. She could have easily found mc if she actually cared enough. She’s just choosing the easier option here by adopting someone meek and mild and willing to be adopted rather than atoning for her mistakes.

Manga4life created a topic of No Reason

… ok what the hell did I just read?… I’m scarred for life.

No idea what’s going on. Time to go.


Manga4life created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Are the chapters getting shorter or is it just me? Like literally nothing happened in ch 70. Nada. Is the author getting bored or somethin??

Manga4life created a topic of Doctor Elise

I find it quite funny how the second episode of the anime ends in literally the most dramatic “goodbye” as they walk away from each other when everyone knows they’ll end up together anyway.

I’ve stopped reading this a while back, think fl was in some sort of magic library and just had her blood stolen by the evil girl who looks like her? Anything interesting happen since then?

Manga4life asked a question

Been thinking about this for a while now, but does memory loss make the character someone else? Like if character A lost the last let’s say 5 years of their memories, but they are married to character B who they only met like 4 years ago, is character B now in a “relationship” with a completely different person?
What I’m trying to ask I suppose, is that in this kind of scenario do the memories make A (well, A) or is it the well… the “body”? Because from As perspective, B is now a stranger, while B faces the dilemma of whether they should stay with A despite them not knowing B, or “abandon ship” so to say since this “different version” of A that is different to the person they have come to love. That they might as well be a stranger. Yet so many stories I’ve seen over the years show how B would stay with A despite the memory loss, making it seem like the physical body makes the person rather than the memories/ personality traits. (Which for the sake of this complaint we shall say are all gone from As brain). And I appreciate that leaving the partner early on in the memory loss process would not make sense because they might get their memories back, but what are the chances of that actually happening in real life? Especially if the memory loss is due to a serious brain injury?
I know, a must random thing to contemplate in the middle of the night, but I wanted to put it out there in case someone else is also contemplating this must important dilemma.
…(So is A the “same person” after losing their memory or “someone else”?)

I’m so confused. Like the author seems to be keeping the readers in the dark to keep us interested but I’m personally so confused by the secrets that I’m losing said interest.

Manga4life asked a question

I’m looking for a manga similar to this :
But where the uke leaves because the seme is too possessive, starts dating a woman, the seme showes up breaks them up and they get back together? Can’t find it for the life of me though, please help

Got up to chapter 8 and dropping it now. Ml is a piece of shit. Like how could you ask a woman to marry you as a favour (so you don’t get forced into marrying someone else) and then have her get mistreated by servants and fed salty porridge only? When literally all she asked for was to be fed 3 meals a day and “nap time” aka not overworked to death? And then show up a month later and have her get to work? Like the servants are treated better? At that point ask for divorce, which would be his fault for mistreating her, get the money and get out.

Really hope she ends up with Isaac I love him so much. He just seems to bring her joy every time they meet. The dark haired dude alright I suppose but he did get her killed so like… ney?

Up to chapter 12. Think a few months ago I got a lot further in but I have to say. I am soooo confused as to what’s going on and I don’t even know why.

What a shame. I was honestly hoping the leader was a man. Would have been nice if there was at least one guy in the party that genuinely liked mc instead of all being girls who fancy him smh

Hm… gonna add to reading list but unsubscribe. I have a feeling this will royally peeve me off over how mc gets treated by the extra and her ex friends. So in like a few months when there’s a few chapters I shall return. Maybe.