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Manga4life August 15, 2023 9:55 pm

Funny story for anyone who reads yaoi (well funny now because it happened years ago): so I was just reading “Pittosporum” where the mother of one of the mcs was cheated on by her husband who was actually gay and she got trauma from it, and it reminded me of how one of my mums best friends was planning a wedding with her partner and a few days before her wedding she met up with some very old friends of hers and her fiancés (they they’ve not seen in a long time). She was telling the m how they’re getting married in a few days and they burst into laughter saying “you’re joking right, you DO know he’s gay??!”. Obviously she broke it off with him after that, turned out that he just wanted to hide the fact that he’s gay from his family, and she’s happily married with kids now, but really goes to show how some people are insecure enough to marry someone who they don’t actually care about to hide their sexuality while hiding away to cheat with their preferred gender (back to the manga though, like if you’re gonna cheat on the woman with men anyway, why marry and have kids to begin with, just continue sleeping with the men in secret without ruining a woman’s life for no reason in the process?).

    the077 August 15, 2023 10:05 pm

    well im glad ur mom's bestie met them and learned the truth before the wedding

    n.v4cane August 15, 2023 10:08 pm

    Exactly like its just so cowardly to not take responsibility for your sexuality and so incredibly selfish to do that at the cost of multiple people lives, time and wellbeing

    mari August 15, 2023 10:28 pm

    Ngl I think this is a really one-sided and immature perspective. Even in countries like the US, being gay wasn't nearlyyy as accepted just 20 years ago. In many parts of the US and the world, it's still something you're taught from childhood is a sin. In some places, it's a crime that you could be imprisoned or even murdered for. As you can imagine, this punishment is even worse for gay women.
    To just "accept your sexuality" isn't that easy when you have internalized homophobia and you could lose your job, your whole family, etc. Obviously I have sympathy for their spouses too but it's a sad situation for everyone.

    Rats August 15, 2023 11:05 pm
    Ngl I think this is a really one-sided and immature perspective. Even in countries like the US, being gay wasn't nearlyyy as accepted just 20 years ago. In many parts of the US and the world, it's still somethi... mari

    Not really all, they said was that you shouldn't marry someone you don't love and make them waste half of their life while you are cheating with your preferred gender. and they didn't say accept it they said don't don't be in a loveless relationship with someone who THINK you love them it just toxic.

    cream puffs August 15, 2023 11:19 pm

    I remembered there was this manga with this troupe and I dropped it cuz miss gurl really loved the dude but he was sleeping with older men while dating her.

    mari August 15, 2023 11:19 pm
    Not really all, they said was that you shouldn't marry someone you don't love and make them waste half of their life while you are cheating with your preferred gender. and they didn't say accept it they said do... Rats

    Which implies that the gay spouse had complete choice over the matter, when really they don't. It's not about being "too insecure to marry your preferred gender". It's not "preferred", it's a sexuality that is still discriminated against. Also sorry but many marriages are loveless, more people divorce than stay together for half their lives.

    Rats August 15, 2023 11:52 pm
    Which implies that the gay spouse had complete choice over the matter, when really they don't. It's not about being "too insecure to marry your preferred gender". It's not "preferred", it's a sexuality that is ... mari

    I never said it was about being insecure???? and yes of course it a sexuality that still being discriminated against obviously but were talking about them marrying someone who think they are in love with them and want to spend their life together and then they end up cheating...

    just don't marry if you are going to end up cheating and I said rather THEN ending up in a loveless marriage. not about how most people end up divorcing

    mari August 16, 2023 12:16 am
    I never said it was about being insecure???? and yes of course it a sexuality that still being discriminated against obviously but were talking about them marrying someone who think they are in love with them... Rats

    OP said that. But you still don't get it, my point is that marriage isn't such a b&w choice. Plenty of gay people do as you said and don't end up in straight marriages but for those that do, it wasn't a black and white decision. It's not like all of them cheat either, cause again there's a lot internal shame about being gay. They'd rather suppress all of that and deceive themselves into believing they *do* romantically love their partner. It's to the point where there's people who don't realize they're gay until they're already 50+ years old, because they never gave themselves the opportunity.
    Again like, cheating is wrong and I empathize with the spouses who are lied to but it's a more complicated situation. "Just don't marry" isn't advice that always works. It's very idealistic.

    Rats August 16, 2023 12:26 am
    OP said that. But you still don't get it, my point is that marriage isn't such a b&w choice. Plenty of gay people do as you said and don't end up in straight marriages but for those that do, it wasn't a bla... mari


    Manga4life August 16, 2023 4:46 am
    Ngl I think this is a really one-sided and immature perspective. Even in countries like the US, being gay wasn't nearlyyy as accepted just 20 years ago. In many parts of the US and the world, it's still somethi... mari

    I appreciate what you said, but both in the instance of my mums friend (where the man had obviously revealed to previous friends that he was completely gay and not al all attracted to women, this taking place around 5 years ago not 20), and the manga that prompted this post (where the man walked around broad daylight plastered another man close to his young sons school (because the son saw them on his way home, he looked to be under 7 years of age)), I honestly have no sympathy for the men in question and just feel bad for the women.
    I also appreciate that some of these gay men (or women) don’t cheat on the people they chose to marry, and in those instances probably stay married for longer and the person they married might not get as hurt when the truth comes out, but I still think this is a shitty thing to do do someone. As someone else said, it’s very one sided and unfair to lead someone to believe that you love them, have them marry you and maybe have kids with you (in this instance you’re also teaching the kid that it’s ok to do this, lie to someone and basically use them for your own “gain”), when at the end of the day they could have chosen to stay single and hide their sexuality Or speak to someone about this (like a friend), explain their situation and ask about marriage for their safety if it was for this reason.

    mari August 16, 2023 5:56 am
    I appreciate what you said, but both in the instance of my mums friend (where the man had obviously revealed to previous friends that he was completely gay and not al all attracted to women, this taking place a... Manga4life

    Yeah this makes sense! I think in cases like those, especially with men toward women, there’s a lot of disrespect. Like they’re not seeing their wife as an equal partner, or just another human who wants genuine love. So I get what you mean by *them* being too insecure or cowardly.
    But it’s just like, to me that behavior says more about the specific person than a group of people. A man could also lie and ruin a long marriage by cheating on her with a woman, hitting their kids, assaulting someone etc. etc. In the case of someone hiding their sexuality, I’m sympathetic to *both* parties though because while it’s a “choice”, it’s heavily impacted by other things. Like to compare, say a straight couple marries and one of them comes out as trans later — many partners feel betrayed by that and like they wasted years of their life on a lie. But you can understand why the trans person kept quiet and realize that they lost years of their life too. So it’s just sad all around.

    n.v4cane August 16, 2023 10:47 am
    OP said that. But you still don't get it, my point is that marriage isn't such a b&w choice. Plenty of gay people do as you said and don't end up in straight marriages but for those that do, it wasn't a bla... mari

    But what you're saying isn't completely adding up cus if you want them to conform to information taken from OP's post, what you're saying about the internalised homophobia was not mentioned in the post. It had been mentioned that the fiancé had not only know he was gay but also implied that he had accepted it from the fact that he told his friends. If he was still internally homophobic he wouldn't have admitted to his friends as he would've kept on denying.OP's post is only about a scenario where a person knows and accepts that they are not interested in the opposite sex but still leads someone on and marries them while cheating on the side. And you're right, marriage isn't just black and white, there are other ways that they can mask their sexuality while not leading anyone on.
    Personally, I think it says alot about a person's morals of whether or not they chose to lead someone on as an easy route or find another way.
    I for one am lesbian and i know that my life will be destroyed if I ever come out but I wouldn't even dream of ever leading someone on and cheating behind their back. But thats js me tho

Manga4life August 14, 2023 10:11 am

Anyone else having issues with the already read, reading and want to read boxes? For some reason today all of my manga got “unmarked” and even if I try to submit that I’m reading something it doesn’t get marked if you know what I mean.

    parelyx August 14, 2023 10:12 am

    dw everyone else's too and their might be cases where it's back but suddenly disappears again so we'll just have to be patient and wait for more announcement

    Artsokar August 14, 2023 10:12 am

    yea like everything is gone?? it’s 0 in each

Manga4life August 7, 2023 9:51 pm

What do you think is worse in stories of any kind, miscommunication or misunderstandings?
They definitely go hand in hand most of the time, but for the sake of this argument let’s say miscommunication is about language (or lack of) used by characters, while the misunderstandings are about assumptions made by one of the characters (so let’s say they see their significant other in a cafe with a friend they’ve been speaking to recently and assume that they’re cheating or something). And I appreciate that a lot of miscommunication is usually due to a character misunderstanding what the other person is saying, but again let’s ignore that for the sake of this argument.
Basically, would you facepalm harder when you see a two characters talking and one of them says something, the other storms off and you’re sat there thinking “that’s not what they meant!”, or when a character sees their lover/ best friend doing something (usually with someone) and accuses them of cheating/ betraying them in some way in their head and storms off while you’re sat there thinking “that’s their sibling/ they’re doing something for YOU!”?

    Chiri Kuto ( ・ ʖ ・) August 7, 2023 10:34 pm

    Totally agree. Thats what im thinking too. It becomes very exhausting to read any further. Sometime i just feel bad for the other person and on top of that this person who was misunderstood must apologize for being not clear lor whatever

Manga4life August 6, 2023 6:35 am

Does anyone know the name of the manwha where mc is black haired daughter of the emperor and was thrown out because prophecy from the temple said one of his daughters will destroy the empire while the white haired daughter is treated like a goddess? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it so I forgot the title and there are 130 something pages of “daughter” related stories so it might take a while to find it. ( ̄□ ̄||)

Manga4life August 5, 2023 9:10 pm

Side note, but does anyone know why comments were disabled for like a year and a half or so?? I’m not buying the whole “system maintenance” thing.

    mfxchic August 5, 2023 9:28 pm

    Oh, you were not there, I'm telling you it was CHAOS, for a moment people truly believed the site was going down.

    So, kinda of the full story: the author of 'painter of the night' found out this place by snitches. Before you could see the view count on any story, so when I tell you the author went on a ruckus, you better believed they went all the way in.

    They started to call out this place out on their official twitter, and even threat to discontinue the story. As you would imagine, POTN is an incredibly popular manwha loved by many, so this new not only reached their legal fanbase but other recognized authors too.

    One to make a mention of is the author of 'lost in the cloud', who called the same thing on their twitter and made the same threats. You can smell kilometers away the MASSIVE backlash that mangago would get.

    EVERY single thing, you could make a comment here in mangago was bombarded with hate and spam. Even people who've been loyal users to this site encouraged for these specific manwhas to be taken back. But oh well, you know the questionable morality of these type of sites and yeah, people were aiming for this place's neck.

    Mangago did damage control as soon as 3 days (approx) since this accident. They closed ALL types of comments that existed and went on a “system maintenance” excuse. They removed the view count and stopped the uploading of POTN.

    In the end, this stopped the discourse here and kinda appeased the authors. People soon forgot about this place and, to play it safe, mangago did the right decision to wait so long for them to open comments back.

    While no one snitches again or any unwanted attention is drawn to this site, it is safe to say that comments will be up and working !

    mfxchic August 5, 2023 9:32 pm

    if you want to see a lil bit of how bad the comment things where you should check POTN comment section, page 2. There you will see the last comment since the closure of comments dated July 24, 2021 12:45 pm, from there, just go down

    naNana August 5, 2023 9:38 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! naNana

    this is why we shouldn't go around advertising this site unless we want it down ( ̄へ ̄)

    ◍Strawberrymilkshake◍ August 5, 2023 9:58 pm
    if you want to see a lil bit of how bad the comment things where you should check POTN comment section, page 2. There you will see the last comment since the closure of comments dated July 24, 2021 12:45 pm, fr... mfxchic

    And in blind play the comment section is wild

    Manga4life August 6, 2023 6:14 am
    Oh, you were not there, I'm telling you it was CHAOS, for a moment people truly believed the site was going down.So, kinda of the full story: the author of 'painter of the night' found out this place by snitche... mfxchic

    Thank you for letting me know, I never seen those manwha so I’ve been confused this whole time :)

Manga4life July 19, 2023 9:28 pm

Trying to find a yaoi manga where the mc is reincarnated as a male version of villainess’s on an prime game and starts winning over the capture targets; ch 1 was a knight commander and ch 2 twins with long black hair. Can’t find it because I forgot the title, I’d appreciate the help if anyone knows the title ( ̄∇ ̄")

    chant July 19, 2023 9:32 pm

    Akuyaku Reisoku Tensei

    I think?

    Manga4life July 19, 2023 9:33 pm
    Akuyaku Reisoku Tensei I think? chant

    That’s the one, thank you very much!

Manga4life July 23, 2021 12:59 pm

You know what’s annoying? When the author stresses throughout the story that the mc is the strongest, most op character in the story (knight, mage, assassin etc.), but then they keep getting defeated/ kidnapped by everyone else. That’s annoying.

    asheiji July 23, 2021 1:12 pm

    don't be shy, jusy say crimsom karma xd

    asheiji July 23, 2021 1:13 pm
    don't be shy, jusy say crimsom karma xd asheiji

    so many typos lol *just *crimson

    Blank July 23, 2021 1:52 pm
    don't be shy, jusy say crimsom karma xd asheiji

    kinda forgot that kasia was some great soldier or smth

    Manga4life July 23, 2021 4:47 pm
    don't be shy, jusy say crimsom karma xd asheiji

    I haven’t read crimson; I was thinking of a few novels that I read recently and then I read a manga in which the same thing happened, so I decided to leave a comment. I mean, if an author wants their mc to get kidnapped and such why bother repeatedly saying that they’re extremely strong and such you know?

Manga4life June 21, 2021 7:16 pm

What was the name of the manwha with a red haired female knight (Pauline?) who got recruited by the enemy emperor? I can’t remember for the life of me.

Manga4life June 1, 2021 9:30 pm

Can someone recommend me some good isekai cooking manga please?

    Bbbbbb June 1, 2021 10:11 pm

    Leveling up by cooking
    Not really isekai but its kinda like that HAHA

Manga4life May 9, 2021 11:58 am

How many people use mangago? I see some manga have upwards of 25000 votes (for the rating) but how many users actually are there?

    HamstersAre3dCircles May 9, 2021 12:10 pm

    I mean for example bj alex is really popular and it has like 600 million views (but maybe one person is counted more than once?) and 160000 votes soo, I’d say A LOT

    Jia15_VAP May 9, 2021 12:12 pm
    I mean for example bj alex is really popular and it has like 600 million views (but maybe one person is counted more than once?) and 160000 votes soo, I’d say A LOT HamstersAre3dCircles

    I was about to say this..but yeah there's a lot

    Kash May 9, 2021 12:12 pm

    I saw some with more than 70,000 votes,...
    And some don't vote and some read here without being logged in... So, can't be said that just how many people we have here...

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