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I can DEFINITELY see why Naui gets home riled up, shit *I* was riled up when he took his hoddie off

Find8ng out your man is the community bicycle would upset anyone! Like wow you really get around, huh?? Like obviously your partner will have had other partners before you, that's a given in this day and age. HOWEVER, when it's that extensive it makes you wonder if what yall have is a fling or real.

I love them and their honeymoon phase is so sickly sweet!!! Who's going to cheat first

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Waterside Night

Man Taeju always dicks Euihyun down so good baby is just all types of mush once Tae gets in them pants lmaooo

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Limited Run

Um....that's how it ends?? All that build up for that? Not even a makeup love confession night of passion? Just an abrupt end. Hm. Ok.

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

He made such am erotic face getting fucked in chap 10 like wow he was dickmatized

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Waterside Night

I want whoever is still uploading their translations to stop uploading over the official. The updates are so jacked up bc of it

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Bad Friend

I am going to LOVE rereading this! The side stories were perfect! The story was concise & steady. The smut was HAWT!!!!!! I am so happy to have read this

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of 1 to 10


NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Bad Friend

"I'm so tired of this man!!!!" I'm rotfl I knew the moment they got to the room Rigon was NOT letting him sleep

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Full volume

I'm so sad, I love this story so freaking much and I can't believe it came to a (super sweet) end!!!! I'll forever cherish this story til I die

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of 1 to 10

I wanna push Gunjoon out the way so bad like he may be a scary ass Sunbae but *I* AM NOT!!! He so mf fine my god

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Full volume

I opened this chapter and had to do a double take on how we got here they're so fuckin freaky lmfaoooo Dowon makes the craziest expressions like I can't

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of 1 to 10

man MOVE Gunjoon!!! You don't know what to do with that beautiful ass man and that thick ass !! I NEED HIM. BAD. Jungseok please give me a chance my god

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Full volume


NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Waterside Night

Taeju is becoming such a daddy taking care of his man and his baby! Ikdr

I'd rather wait a year for this to be updated than for yall to just put up anything you find. Did you even read? This makes no sense. Juju has been doing amazing and working so hard. Respect that people have lives outside of this site and BL. Go get a hobby, a job, something, so you can grow some appreciate for their hard work. Please take this crappy translation down and don't upload again.