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NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Full volume

I opened this chapter and had to do a double take on how we got here they're so fuckin freaky lmfaoooo Dowon makes the craziest expressions like I can't

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of 1 to 10

man MOVE Gunjoon!!! You don't know what to do with that beautiful ass man and that thick ass !! I NEED HIM. BAD. Jungseok please give me a chance my god

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Full volume


NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Waterside Night

Taeju is becoming such a daddy taking care of his man and his baby! Ikdr

I'd rather wait a year for this to be updated than for yall to just put up anything you find. Did you even read? This makes no sense. Juju has been doing amazing and working so hard. Respect that people have lives outside of this site and BL. Go get a hobby, a job, something, so you can grow some appreciate for their hard work. Please take this crappy translation down and don't upload again.

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Jinx

Dan always has that damn pitiful ass look on his face but I'm glad he didn't take the offer.

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Bad Friend

Rigon is such a freak my poor baby Haon getting put through the damn mattress

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Bad Friend

LMFAOOOO I love these two! I sent this to my friend bc she needs to see these extras

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Full volume


NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Instant Family

I knew from the beginning they had bonded before! I knew it! How this all played out tho is sad af, ntm Taeheon's dad is a POS....a fine POS but a POS nonetheless! Also I hate that Sejoon won't just call him by his name why are you saying sir when yall sleep together its cringeeyyy!!!

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Full volume

This shi so fkn freaky and kinky I hope it never ends the author and artist are sitting on GOLD

NightmareRoyale01 created a topic of Jinx

There are legitimately no redeeming qualities about this shit ML. Dan deserves better but I wish he'd get his head out his ass and grow a back bone!!!

I find it crazy how they found a way to transfer misogyny aimed at women onto a mf dude with a womb. Even the women are discriminatory. Not to mention almost every scene except for a few at the end were SA and taken WAY too lightly. And then to say "well it can't be helped!" Like wtf. Then the ending?? Like that lady was a grown ass woman trying to marry a HS freshman?? Idk this was so weird and I can't believe I read all 90 chapters.