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Anoni Grrl December 5, 2016 4:36 am

For some reason, the way Jesse had the hand with the knife covering one eye in the cover pic reminds me of Alex's one fake eye lash set in the movie version of Clockwork Orange (or the old posters that showed just that on eye). Could be nothing.

Anoni Grrl November 30, 2016 2:57 am

I've been waiting for this since I saw the raws--Kyon, you go after that hot mess, because it is working. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Anoni Grrl November 29, 2016 3:04 pm

I am not sure what it is I don't like about this one. It has elements I usually enjoy-- bondage, a little edgy, tricky personalities. I don't mind fictional rape, depending on the context. I guess my problem is I don't feel chemistry between them and I don't particularly like either person. It was kind of like hentai but with two guys. All physical, and no sense of attraction or connection (however fucked up). Maybe I just hate that smiling type--I always find that creepy. Well, some people may like it--and that's cool. But for me, it's missing something.

    Cherry69 November 29, 2016 9:14 pm

    I agree. I felt like there was something's and you said it... Chemistry. Also, the problem that the guy tied up just liked it instantly didn't feel right to me.

Anoni Grrl November 25, 2016 7:05 pm

I think "and I" means "me too" meaning neither of them will have other lovers.

Anoni Grrl November 25, 2016 4:50 pm

So I have a tentative theory based on the raws.

Spoilers involved.











I think that it is some kind of virtual reality program, maybe a video game but more likely a science experiment--and that it is personal (that Law is messing with Jesse for a reason). The prof at the beginning mentions "as soldiers..." or something like that when he gave his speech on education and reason over instinct--and I think Jesse may be (or have been) in the military. I think the maids have a certain non player character quality--especially the one who is a technician/nurse at the end (and at the end she still seems a bit like an android or something--hard to tell without knowing what the words say). Law talks about a chance for revenge--I think he means "in game" or VR. Law also mentions creating the Jesse that is now. I also think that when they are playing, the players experience everything as real, including pain. I think they carry that into their "real life". I think some of Laws memories and some of Jesse's my be based on real life outside the VR, but I am not sure.

Anoni Grrl November 25, 2016 4:38 am

This isn't as enlightening as the allusions to Plato's cave, but I looked up a more literal translations of "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer" than the "Mack the Knife" I grew up hearing. I think it says something about the nature of the charters in this story.

And the shark, he has teeth;
he has them in his face.
And Macheath, he has a knife,
but no one sees the knife.

And the shark's fins are
red when he sheds blood;
Mack the Knife wears a glove
on which no sign of a crime can be seen.

By the green waters of the Thames
suddenly people drop down.
It is neither plague nor cholera,
it's said: Mack's about.

On a beautiful, blue-skied Sunday
a dead man lies on the Strand
and someone turns the corner,
the one they call Mack the Knife.

And Schmul Meier's still not been found,
and many such a rich man
and his money has Mack the Knife,
against whom no one can prove anything.

Jenny Towler was found
with a knife in her chest
and on the embankment there's Mack the Knife,
who knows nothing of any of it.

Where is Alfons Glite, the cab driver?
Will he ever see sunlight again?
Whoever could know,
Mack the Knife has no idea.

And the great fire in Soho,
seven children and an old man.
In the crowd Mack the Knife, whom
one asks nothing, and who knows nothing.

And the underage widow,
whose name everyone knows,
woke up and was defiled.
Mack, what was your price?

And some are in the dark,
and others are in the light.
But one only sees those in the light;
those in the dark one doesn't see.
But one only sees those in the light;
those in the dark one doesn't see.

Now here's the happy ending,
everything reconciled.
If the readies are to hand,
the ending is generally good.


    Anonymous November 25, 2016 4:41 am

    Mind explainingヾ(☆▽☆)

    Anoni Grrl November 25, 2016 5:30 am
    Mind explainingヾ(☆▽☆) @Anonymous

    Oh, because the title is "Moritat" I thought it might be an allusion to "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer" or "The Ballad of Mack the Knife". This isn't the only possible use of "Moritat" but I think of Mack the knife, and I think it may be intentional (especially with the cover). The popular English versions sound different (the lyrics rhyme and such) but the song was from Three Penny Opera, a story about a bad man (Mack the Knife) and those who plotted against him. In that story, Mack's best friend had the family name of Brown which may also be a coincidence He was also the chief constable (the law) so take that how you want to. I think it may just be a wink or a homage to the story about bad people plotting against each other (and it if it like Three Penny Opera, it will have a happy end, because that is how the audience likes it).

    In short, I think it means both Jesse and Law are kind of bad people, and that they are playing rough games with each other. I also think we may get a happy ending though.

    magicmau5 November 25, 2016 6:09 am

    Interesting idea! I think you're right.

    Anonymous November 25, 2016 11:33 am

    Yo the second stanza says that Mack the knife has gloves so that nobody can see his wrongdoings know who else wears gloves and tries to be discreet af?!!?

    Lala November 25, 2016 1:46 pm
    Oh, because the title is "Moritat" I thought it might be an allusion to "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer" or "The Ballad of Mack the Knife". This isn't the only possible use of "Moritat" but I think of Mack the k... Anoni Grrl

    i'm wondering about meaning of law chester and jesse brown's names.

    the Law name maybe refers to this controlling obsession about jesse and because he's actually the "law" in the mansion. Chester refers to the castle (so the mansion?). this is a name who suit him well.
    but i'm wondering about the order because "Law" is not a common first name unlike "Chester".

    i found Brown in three penny opera is a chief police and a faithfull friend for Mack. but i don't know more so i can't conclude anything about this. it is just a homage or is there a hidden meaning behing the name? Moreover maybe jesse refers to the virtuous bible character, David's father and first Jesus ancestor (for christian tradition). what a good name...

    maybe i overact but think name Law suit this nature so well so why not for Jesse?

    Anoni Grrl November 25, 2016 4:04 pm
    interesting. i'm wondering about meaning of law chester and jesse brown's names.the Law name maybe refers to this controlling obsession about jesse and because he's actually the "law" in the mansion. Chester re... @Lala

    I find the names interesting too. I think the name order may be family name first and then first name, because most translators do not change name order for Western convention. I'd have to re-read, but I think in the US, we'd say "Jesse Brown" and "Chester Law". The original translation of Jesse's name was Chaise which means hunter, and in the school dream the prof called said "a soldier....". Jesse means wealthy, but also may allude to Jesse James, the criminal. Then again, it may just be a name.

    So I wonder, is Jesse with the knife a soldier, a hunter, or the spoiled master? and why doesn't he use the knife when Law kicks him off the cliff? Is it Law's knife? I've seen the raws, and I have speculations, but it is still intriguing. I wish people would spoil it (with spoiler tags) because not knowing nags at me. :)

    Anoni Grrl November 25, 2016 4:14 pm
    I find the names interesting too. I think the name order may be family name first and then first name, because most translators do not change name order for Western convention. I'd have to re-read, but I think ... Anoni Grrl

    Oh, and while I'm clutching at straws to find meaning, I'll mention "Mack" comes from "Macheath, which in turn derives from Macbeth, Shakespeare's Danish prince who played insane (or was insane) and got vengeance for his father by basically killing everybody. So there is that.

Anoni Grrl November 22, 2016 1:15 am

I think it's worth noting that Lucaon was obviously greatly affected by his partial mutation into a zero--and not just because of the trauma that started his mutation, but because of the changes it made in him. Lucaon is scarred and one eye is like a zero, and we are constantly told how different he was before.

Remember Hans Christian Anderson's Snow Queen? It's a classic struggle of good and evil where Gerta saves her friend Kay, even though Kay is being a total butthead. I mean, maybe Kay had some snow magic in his eye or a splinter of troll mirror stuck somewhere making him all cold and nasty, but he chose to play kissy-face with the icy witch queen who was all kinds of bad, leaving Gerta behind to cry. But Gerta thinks she loves Kay (even though it would be highly unlikely a girl so young could have real love, and certainly not just by singing about roses near a guy). But weak, stupid Gerta gives up everything just because she has the idea she loves that jerk Kay, right? I mean, it's not Gerta's fault that Kay is such a jerk to her, but she chooses to go after him and give up all sorts of things for him, and then takes his abuse. So, after many struggles to reach Kay, Gerta's kiss reminds Kay of what "love" may be, and her tears melt his frozen heart, dislodging the magic troll mirror shard that had effected him (I think some versions have him cry the splinter/snow magic thingy out of his eye). Basically, love makes Kay stop being a jerk, and they go home happy.

Right, now, I'm not saying that's happening here, okay? I'm just saying that at one level, it could be seen as a story about good and evil, and the nature of love. Kyon has a memory from when he was a child of when Lucaon was very different, and it is very meaningful for Kyon. There are also pictures of what Lucaon used to be. Finally, everyone who knew Lucaon before talks about how different he is.

Lucaon didn't mutate completely. He is not lost yet. But he was changed. Look at the eye. Look at the scar. Yes, he's an ass. He's got a case of the ice-heart red eye troll mirror shard stuck up his butt. Kyon, and to a lesser extent Ryan and others, want to see if the ice will ever melt and the shard will be removed. Meanwhile, Lucaon is mostly a jerk, but a jerk with a chance of redemption, especially if Kyon's love can somehow reach him.

Yes, it's a trope and an old cliche, but a good story. But you all can hate Lucaon if you want to. I think Greta should have ditched Kay for the robber girl and let the Snow Queen have that spoiled useless Kay, for what that's worth. You have to be in the mood for certain stories, and at some points in our life, the story just isn't right for us (especially if you project too much real life on it). I still like this one.

Anoni Grrl November 21, 2016 4:35 pm

I may be splitting hairs, but I see a difference between a weak character and a character who chooses to take on a submissive role. To me, weak characters are those who let themselves become victims again and again, and do nothing but look cute and pitiful even though they don't seem to want to be in that situation at all. Weak characters are usually also stupid and easy for anyone to manipulate--and they tend to have a 2-dimensional quality where they fall into the damsel in distress trope. On the other hand, there can be characters who choose to be submissive or who have strengths such as perseverance and compassion that make them valuable and not just "cute and stupid". I realize "compassion" without actions to back it up can go with the weak characters too (and I still think "heart" is a crappy superpower), but if it is done right, a charter who is submissive can accomplish much and reach his or her goals instead of just being a pawn and a victim all the time.

In this story, I think both Kyon and Christoph choose submissive roles, but each has his own agenda (though Kyon is less experienced and therefore a bit more innocent). No one forces either of them to be the servant and hover around their master--they each want to. It's choice of role, not a general weakness of character.

Christoph sometimes bullies the master into doing what Christoph thinks needs to be done. In the face of conflict, Christoph says things that sound very submissive--but he actually diffuses dangerous situations and gets what he wants without useless confrontation. When there is an explosion, a master needs to shield Christoph, but in day to day life, Christoph shields his master and keeps the place functioning. I think Christoph is actually very strong and sometimes wiser than Karis.

Kyon is in a slightly weaker position whenever Lucaon is around because Lucaon is his weakness--so to speak, but Kyon chooses to be a servant and stay a servant and Kyon actually pursues Lucaon through the story, if you pay attention. Kyon gets what he wants (though perhaps he should want more). Kyon didn't fall into Lucaon's trap--maybe Ryan manipulated some things way back (I am not sure), but Kyon applied for the job, Kyon repeatedly made attempts to be closer to Lucaon even when Lucaon pushed him away, and Kyon stays no matter what Lucaon does. Kyon may not know everything that's going on or have experience with fighting, but Kyon is not stupid. Kyon is generally competent (especially when Lucaon isn't round) and Kyon faces difficult things and does his best. He isn't a slave or in an unbreakable contract. He isn't falling for some stupid BS line. He isn't helpless or a victim. He just takes on a submissive role with Lucaon--and it's possible he enjoys being submissive. Regardless, he's doing it to get what he wants (Lucaon's attention and trust). He's not being forced into it because he is weak. There is a strength to his submission, if you look for it.

    Berenice96 November 21, 2016 6:02 pm

    Surely you have your rights, but I can't see it like you do. I have a feeling that you try to present Kyon's submission in somehow 'bdsm-ish' terms. But it's not bdsm story, or rather I don't think it is. You're right, Kyon can go away in any moment and he still chooses to stay. But I think that this is precisely an evidence that he's weak. Even if there is a power exchange, there still has to be some respect to other person. Lucaon has no respect for Kyon, treating him like a thing for his sexual release. As I said, it's not bdsm - they don't have any sort of agreement and Lucaon doesn't care if Kyon 'like it rough' or not. Kyon knows he's not loved or even respected and he knows he's being used. He claims he's in love with Lucaon knowing almost nothing about him, which is pretty stupid. I, as a submissive myself, can't understand Kyon at all. I think it's just a common sense to know if a relationship is healthy and if another person deserves your submission, because submission is a gift. I think that only weak person would choose giving his/her submission to someone like this, who treats them like a trash. But, well, maybe it's just because of my character and personal life experience that I see it this way.

    Anoni Grrl November 21, 2016 8:15 pm
    Surely you have your rights, but I can't see it like you do. I have a feeling that you try to present Kyon's submission in somehow 'bdsm-ish' terms. But it's not bdsm story, or rather I don't think it is. You'r... Berenice96

    Not everyone will see it as I do, and not every role chosen is necessarily sexual. I think some of what I see in erotica reflects relationships that would be very unhealthy in real life (especially for BDSM erotica) but that I personally choose to suspend disbelief about certain aspects of the person or the relationship when I think it is part of the story. I do see aspects of this story as BDSM erotica (though not a model for real life BDSM relationships). But my main point is more than just sex. It's about choices and different types of strength.

    You may not agree with Kyon's choices, but he did make them. There are many yaoi stories where the relationship starts with one person, usually the uke, being trapped or tricked in some way (your family/organization owes money and you must pay with your body, you have to do this because....). Sometimes the sex itself is pretty vanilla, but the weak character is just cute and stupid and mostly useless. In this case, Kyon thinks, acts, and pursues his goals. He chose it--in fact he was the pursuer of the relationship. You may not be able (or willing) to suspend disbelief and accept Kyon falls in love so quickly (or based on such a brief past connection and belief in who Lucaon was). That's fair. But I think the story presents this as something Kyon wants, not something he is forced into. If you can accept the premise that this is rally what Kyon wants, then he is still strong to go after it and not just a victim.

Anoni Grrl November 17, 2016 4:41 am

So, it kind of looks like some people can simply chose to not play the game anymore. That should make him a target, right? But maybe people are afraid to hurt him because of his ex.

Anoni Grrl November 8, 2016 6:33 pm

I really love this story arc! Finally, someone reacts to Angelo just putting his hands on people (I love Jin), and I really hope Sarah will put Angelo in his place too.

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