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risa kim created a topic of Our Sunny Days

love that they’re real, buff men, as in both unashamedly masculine. usually we have a twink who’s more feminine and one buff dude, which is fine, but it’s not the only type of gay couple. sometimes it feels like the twink is forced feminine to fit the ‘woman’ role in the relationship idk

risa kim created a topic of Until Morning Light

finally, i was so on edge bc mc was constantly vulnerable and around the most manipulative ppl! i mean, ml is also manipulative but actually he’s really not, he’s just an upfront asshole who’s shitty personality can be used for good, a.k.a killing them villagers!!

risa kim created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

updates like this warm my heart like it’s truly just young summer high school love! then i remember a couple chapters ago how ml busted the shit out of that dudes face, it’s crazy that the author was able to make this hold a cohesive tone without feeling fake or forced.
what if i said this story is the better version of ‘even if you don’t love me’ ??

risa kim created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

y’all i’m pretty sure i read somewhere that the author had no interest in writing sex scenes while they’re in high school, and it’ll happen after a time jump. i could be completely wrong, but i could swear someone told me that for this story .

risa kim created a topic of Can't Think Straight

lol…it’s not normal to be too scared to go to sleep in fear of sex. it’s also not normal for the reason you’re staying with them is because they’ll fight you if you try to break up. now don’t fight me cos i know you girls like to tussle!

i feel like initially we were seeing some growth in the homophobic ml, like there were signs that he was starting to question his shifty ways and he’d try to be nice in his own convoluted way. now i feel like he just keeps doing irredeemable shit with no remorse or no consequence from the mc bc he won’t ever break off their FWB relationship. idk the story is kind of meandering, it’s not as clear of a character arc as it used to be for me.

her brother is kind of fucking awful actually. i thought at the very least her family would be loyal to her, but my god they’re so disappointing. in her first life, he’s trying to convince her to stick with the rapist husband despite having heard her get chocked out and brutally fucked by him, and in the second life he shoots her beloved husband in the face in front of her and her baby. then, if that wasn’t enough, when her dad says her baby is a bastard that needs to be eliminated, he was ready to do it….oh her family is almost as bad as oscar. i almost didn’t see it because they spoil her with wealth, but my god they’re fucking terrible. i need them killed alongside that redheaded skank.

1. i love how the author draws ines’ eyes whenever she’s baffled by stupidity, when she has the ‘what’s your fucking problem? if i knocked on your skull would i hear an echo?’ like the simple eye drawings lmfaoo

2. rereading this made me realize y’all are babying the fuck out of carcel. he’s only just stopped spreading stds like three months ago, ines has done many things but she didn’t make him a slut! stop treating him like perfect angel lol, he’s def redeemed himself but like let’s be real.

whenever i want to feel super depressed i just reread the beginning of this manhwa. nothing quite feels like depression the way ines’ entire life is written. immediate claustrophobia and helplessness, like she continuously got the shittiest set of cards.

risa kim created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

dawg do you not see the desperation in his eyes? no he doesn’t actually want to fuck, he can’t feel his legs and u eradicated his gut with ur peen, he’s obviously terrified of u leaving lol. just lay down and have a movie night my god !

risa kim created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

omg ml is an actual masochist. all the other yaoi masochists were fake compared to this twisted bitch LOL kinda love it tho??

risa kim created a topic of Guiding Hazard

omg he should’ve immediately reassured him…mc’s insecurities and hesitance is so obvious, just hug him! y’all have done much more intimate shit then that, give him a little tlc

risa kim created a topic of Our Sunny Days

i think the seal is a virgin, bc he’s always been work-driven and as the village head, probably no time to sit back and relax. plus his initial personality can be a bit… anyways, that body is too banging to never have any action tho so idk about that…regardless this is so cute.

and i assumed that the mc would be a lot more hesitant and shy and not straight forward, but i LOVEE that he’s been the one to initiate so much affection and intimacy once he’s realized that kwon has a crush lol. uke’s never really do that, they’re usually just reluctant and dragged into relationships. god damnit this is my favorite ever manhwa and it’s not even halfway done!!

risa kim created a topic of Under the Green Light

bestie if he did get drugged then how would he know who or even if he got fucked?? i’m loving the drama tho

risa kim created a topic of Backlight

sorry i love plots where everybody and their mamas are obsessed with mc’s, especially when the mc isn’t the typical shy virgin twink. yeongwoon is sooo charming to me, he’s the ideal boyfriend so it makes sense that everybody wants him in his life lol.

now we know the slutty ml likes him, i’m guessing that he’s former client hanyeol also liked him, but did that gangster also like him?? how does he fit into the story…

risa kim created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

lol let’s see what the author cooks up to try and make ml out to be misunderstood or reasonable….what’s pissing me off is that the uke is in such a damn unfair situation, literally falling right back onto his dick with no choice of his own.

i get it’s just another omegaverse tropes, but still…such a cunt of an alpha can still manipulate his every move and will? that doesn’t sit with me at all, let’s see what happens post-flashback i guess.

risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

why does haejoon look mildly turned on when eunyang just beat the shit out of that ghost omf

risa kim created a topic of Turning

for whoever is curious, kishiar isn’t actually much of a slut (not derogatory) he just has a reputation to keep, where he’s convinced people he’s not a threat to the crown and that he’s a ditzy blonde who likes to sleep around. in reality, he’s incredibly strong and is the owner of the divine sword, which we’ll see later is pretty important.

in their past life, yuder and kishiar did sleep together, but yuder was very different in that he didn’t care to learn or dig too deep about kishiar and his intentions. he kind of assumed it was just him vs the world and was way more apathetic.

risa kim created a topic of Swapping

idk the desperate/panicking face expressions make me so uncomfortable and kind of gets a laugh out of me…like why is your mouth so wide open? i don’t like how mc’s face is drawn in moments of desperation, it’s just so off-putting

has there been a greener flag on this website? mc deserves such a thoughtful and kind person when he’s got nothing but snakes and bitches surrounding him

risa kim created a topic of My Damned XXX

they can never make me hate seonwoo. i love a questionable mc!! he’s so charming to me, like an angry cat who got their nails clipped. no harm, just loud and mean lol.