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risa kim created a topic of Steel Under Silk

kind of thinking that even if mc stabs ml and cries while doing it, ml will just act like he’s a kitten and go ‘awe my naughty and troublesome boy’ and probably pinch his cheek

risa kim created a topic of Fight Club

i love that the omega isn’t giving him shit lol. he’s used to not being the clingy one, now look at this dumbass alpha lololol

ik it would be too easy and quick, but pleaseee just kill his mom! the source of all of his pain is his mom, even his father being a deadbeat loser is bc he was entrapped and unable to be logical or compassionate about the child who had no choice in the scenario. even now, his mom is what’s holding him back from making his heats easier and a regular occurrence with rishtar…she’s gotta go!

killian’s ditzy ass isn’t going anywhere, look at his fucking face. if you’re not adelide he’s not listening to shit you’ve gotta say LOL

oh my ines…you’re trying to delude yourself. your first life ended with the very gun he gifted you, at your own hands. no he didn’t forget it quickly. nor did he feel relief. in fact, he’d probably try and end his own life in guilt lol.

risa kim created a topic of Foul's Start

i kinda like the uke being a chaser. i’m a bit tired of asshole seme’s having to grovel lol, this is a better change.

risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

the boys defending eunyang while drooling is cute to me…yeah y’all are freeloaders but damnit i respect defending his reputation!

lol, just some compassion would be nice. the thing about partners like the uke who are in higher/authoritative positions, they think they need to solve everything and get shit done in all aspects of life. in reality, uke is dealing with a lot of shame and embarrassment swirling around a bit of fear with his abusive father. what he’d appreciate is just listening to him and trying to prove that it’s a safe space to talk about those struggles, not trying to immediately solve a problem (that is NOT yours!!) and then telling mc he should’ve gotten rid of his dad ages ago, as if it’s that easy..poor baby.

risa kim created a topic of Ordinary Person A

?? wdym ‘what can i do’? should i make you a list bffr. does love make you incapable of boundaries lol. idgaf if you’ve fallen for him, have your fun and tell his ass not to go behind your back and meddle like a piece of shit!

sister julianna has the blood and spirit of her assassin brother running through her, it’s sooo over for chloe lmfao

risa kim created a topic of Gig of the Day

ouuuuu i can taste the tropes already. mild guilt bc he’s the one keeping him awake and preventing him from sleeping at night since he can’t resist his fineass, jealousy bc he smiles bright at anybody who does him tiny favors, and not recognizing it’s jealousy and thinking he just wants an exclusive fuckbuddy and not a boyfriend….

risa kim created a topic of Backlight

i feel like we keep getting scenes with super dubious consent (or no consent at all) and just no follow up. it’s not truly engaged with, it’s just forgotten and not mentioned again.

risa kim created a topic of Backlight

mc…wdym you liked how he touched and looked at you. you literally smacked him bc he was assaulting u and he proceeded to rape u bestie? do you need to go read chapter 23/24 with the rest of the class or what.

risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

250 chapters in…ur not gonna fucking fool me author. i know my bastard eunyang inside out, he’s not touched that they asked how he was doing, he’s thinking about all the frostbite injuries he’s managed to avoid. disgusting fucking excuses for human beings, i pray for people with parents like these.

risa kim created a topic of Ordinary Person A

we’ve never seen howoo anger at him, and id say ml had given him good reasons to be before. i would like to see it!

y’all don’t get it, these are my CHILDRENNNN! ines deserves this princess treatment so fucking much, and carcel is finally getting reciprocated in his affection (´°ω°`) i used to want to smack him but his respect for one’s and her boundaries and showing her love no matter her unorthodox responses, i absolutely have to respect it and i’m starting to love him the way ines is _(:3 」∠)_

risa kim created a topic of Backlight

ouuuu i don’t like the vibes we’ve created in the studio today. if mc is still nice and civil with blonde after this, i think i’ll pass out due to a lack of revenge…

risa kim created a topic of Little Mushroom

to translate words into such gorgeous art…what’s. visionary of an illustrator. i could hear my heart beating when little mushroom took his own mushroom piece and drowned in his room like woah…

oh noooo my husband turned out to have great lineage and is next in line for the throne. how could he be the most powerful man of the empire, whatever shall i do?

bitch be so fr.