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risa kim created a topic of My Damned XXX

a tragic backstory where a lonely child is constantly failed by the adults surrounding him? oh that’s how you get me. seonwoo they can never make me hate you!

risa kim created a topic of Steel Under Silk

ml is funny, wdym don’t forget i killed your family? mc’s every waking moment is in spite of his family’s murder. these scenes are romantic & charming, but it does not spare either of the from the past.

mc & i are confused as hell lmaoo. so excited to dig in further! also it’s cute that they’re both possessive over each other and the other doesn’t realize it lol

risa kim created a topic of Dead man Switch

boooo tomato tomato, after the very first sex scene that was way hotter and eagerly consensual, why do we have to throw a noncon scene in?? for plot??? i doubt it.

risa kim created a topic of Half of Me

how did mc get this far in life…he’s street smart but my god he’s got 0 EQ lol. not even remotely in touch with his feelings or environment god bless. at least he’s got a pretty face and insane stubbornness.

risa kim created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

y’all don’t know about long flashbacks until you’ve read that one manhwa where mc has powers hated by the empire and is the reincarnation of some blue haired guy and it’s like 40 chapters deep into flashbacks….that’s true suffering

risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

eunyang is smart which means when he wants to be mean, he can be really fucking mean and pinpoint exact insecurities, like why am i getting sad over him being a cunt when he was younger? ppl really say anything when they feel attacked :(

risa kim created a topic of Red Mansion

i used to think hm..they kind of deserve each other…except they don’t. minimart was legit conditioned into enjoying this type of treatment, basically groomed from a young age. he never got the chance to determine if he was even a kinky person or not, bc he never got that choice. so i don’t see them as equals who are twisted, bc one of them derives enjoyment from beating people while the other has only ever known what it feels like to be beaten.

risa kim created a topic of Solo For Two

this is real-life angst. to say i’m invested is not enough…sasya you are the apple of my eye. i refuse to accept a sad ending for him idc!!

risa kim created a topic of Flip the script

fuckin snake. also why would mc sign a contract without having a lawyer look it over? he’s fine with it going public, so secrecy isn’t a problem. he’s just being stupid for the sake of plot, bc it doesn’t make sense that a chaebol isn’t more aware of contract negotiations even if he doesn’t want to be chairman.

risa kim created a topic of Gig of the Day

the uke is so damn cute like how does he stay so pure and kind despite this shitty world? he’s not even the annoying type of naive character, he genuinely means everything he says and he’s so honest too. if this were any other manhwa, he would’ve realized his feelings like 40 chapters in after three misunderstandings LOL. he’s emotionally intelligent too i think.

risa kim created a topic of Steel Under Silk

ml is so self aware, that the mc has full reason to hate him and thus, he should never trust him. i love it so much lol, bc now he wants to trust him and i doubt that genuine feelings will be enough to get rid of the blood on his hands.

y’all are tryna gaslight the mc, what reason has the ml given the mc to trust him or have faith in him? he’s the most wishy-washy bastard ever, of fucking course he’s gonna jump to conclusions and assume he means nothing to him. he’s in a fuckass situationship and he’s getting his feelings hurt, and y’all are starting to irritate me by pretending hes completely unreasonable in his overthinking ways. UGH!

risa kim created a topic of Backlight

chile i’m scared…ml getting rough and rapey as if the mc wasn’t willing is really indicative of how fucked up he is. y’all had ur dicks out rubbing together already, the sudden switch is v scary to me

risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

it’s so easy to get influenced by people on your life, negative or positive. eunyang didn’t even realize how that loser friend was influencing him again. even though he’s changed so much from who he used to be. it’s easy to fall back into habits and shitty thought patterns. bc yeah, eunyang is right. there is a good chance haejoon’s dad and uncle came back for some ulterior motive. but what if he didn’t? doesn’t it get exhausting assuming the worst and living life on the defense? to live is to experience the best and worst of humanity, and you have no control over that.

anyhow all to say, eunyang needs to cut that bastard off lol.

ml is so funny, wdym ‘maybe i should’ve started our relationship another way’ ??? you think?? yeah bighead, maybe kidnapping and confinement wasn’t the move LOL ur just lucky the mc is a total freak

risa kim created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

i knew this was gonna happen but that line…’i can’t wait for our future together’ only to be killed hours later like im gonna cryyy

risa kim created a topic of Reunion

he’s such a gentle dom…like he’s firm but so caring and the first half of the sex scene is basically body worship lol. love!!

risa kim created a topic of Reunion

that’s the most romantic, intimate, hottest bl sex scene i’ve ever read. seme is so attentive, the way he never looked away from uke’s face while jerking him off, making sure to see mc’s face when he WOAH! and the way his body just envelops over him and he always holds his head and it’s just so obvious how much he loves him lol.

love proactive uke’s, especially when they take the first step in sex. bls do this weird thing where the bottom never truly wants to have sex, so they’re either really reluctant and don’t want to do it, or they’re just not horny. it reads as weirdly sexually coercive, so i appreciate a more accurate dynamic where the top isn’t just the horndog pervert and the bottom isn’t the sexually innocent and unwilling partner.