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risa kim created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

i don’t like how sooyoung is being treated like a pawn…now im questioning if he just sees mc as a possession and nothing else hmmm

risa kim created a topic of Waterside Night

girl FINALLY some consensual rough sex! we used to pray for times like this ong !!

risa kim created a topic of Guiding Hazard

ughhh i love when it’s two MEN in a relationship. not going the typical route of having a more feminine (small peen, small stature, skinny and short, small waist, etc.) man x a masculine guy is tired and feels too heterosexual sometimes. nothing wrong with feminine men ofc, but it’s too overwhelming of a representation of bottoms in all yaoi gay relationships (imo)

risa kim created a topic of Gig of the Day

FUNS OVER, pull his pants back up and go to HELL

risa kim created a topic of Gig of the Day

say sike right now…classless bitch, who enters someone’s home and sticks their hand down their ass? no home training, no manners, nothing. i prayyyy mc ditches him and doesn’t just let him use him and get the boyfriend benefits when behaving nothing like one. someone spoil it or give me the raws PLS

risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

oh…this is the type of character development and relations authors dream of crafting. my heart is so warm

risa kim created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

the art has completely changed. it’s certainly not bad by any means, but i liked the old styles’ smut scenes better imo. still tuning in for my fave sickos!!

risa kim created a topic of Mad Dog

side stories just pissed me off. why does this bitch need to learn that consent is important??

risa kim created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

dojun just wasn’t clear enough to his current boyfriend, that he’s not going on a date but that this was for closure. imagine if taeseok seemingly went on a date with no explanation to dojun? he would totally spiral.

i respect that dojun is fully putting down firm boundaries, i’m just baffled that he didn’t consider his current boyfriends POV and how the whole situation would make him feel. thankfully, taeseok is secure enough to not lash out or get angry…

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୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨

The list below contains the following mangas which includes :
few of my favs which i really wants others to read , some really didn't receive much love  & attention which it deserves ..while some contains mature themes which might be uncomfortable for some 



13 03,2024
risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

when haejoon started talking about how it should’ve been him and his expression started getting drawn dark, i bursted out crying. idk i’ve always found the situation sad and tragic like everybody else but shit, that tipped me over the edge. i’m scared he’s gonna try to commit suicide.

risa kim created a topic of Half of Me

god pinky is so manipulative. i can’t believe he fr convinced heechan that he deserved to get back together w minjae after all that happened. god bless mc, his emotional intelligence is so low but thank good he’s smart enough to realize that a noncon sex tape is absolutely wrong. i’m happy he’s gonna see this side of that bitchass twink so he’ll never try setting them up again.

risa kim created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

everything has a price! this time around tho, hyowoon will have to get taehyeok to fall in love with him. cute!!

risa kim created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

dojun doesn’t know about the nasty shit this dude was saying behind his back, bc his fake brother took care of it w/o his knowledge. i hope he ends it with him cleanly and remembers he’s dating someone now, someone who isn’t ashamed of him lol

risa kim created a topic of Gig of the Day

i think the ml is starting off as a cunt but the mc is so damn fucking cute and means so well that he’s gonna chip away at his asshole exterior. mc is not a typical bl main lead, he’s straightforward about his feelings lol so no tip-toeing around. ml is steady aware that mc is basically in love with him

risa kim created a topic of Homeless/No Home

we need to start working on the chosen family aspect bc clearly nothing but dogshit is running through these blood-bonded family members. i need haejoon healing with his friends, just see him acting like a child and having fun. god, he deserved so much better.

risa kim created a topic of Cry Me a River

welp! if jitae doesn’t want mc getting a skewed version of events, he should fess up or fuck off lol. i wanna hear what the psycho had to say!

feels incomplete, like nothing was solved. don’t like how we’re jumping from the storyline about seoah’s damage and funky friends to mc’s greedy family. feels like we’re sweeping the forceful sex scene under the bus already, no resolution.

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27 02,2024
risa kim created a topic of Gig of the Day

technically he got consent and everything…but it still feels deceitful lol. poor mc probably thinks this will lead to a relationship, and he doesn’t deserve to have his first time on the floor of his ghetto apartment…ugh i love him so much. it feels like he doesn’t know what he’s signing up for, but at least he’s not crying in pain and telling him to stop? the bar is so low for yaoi fics lmfaooo