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Tsunmimi created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

One thing I dislike more than drama are people that are so oblivious of things, and passive, I think the ML is right to have drawn a line from the beginning but then he goes and cross it by offering kindness, I know I know he’s nice and it’s good to be nice but this blonde looking twerp looks and has a very sus vibe to him……and I’m so sure the ML is one of them men that doesn’t sense things like that, Also note how they’re good at talking right now but for some stupid reason they won’t be that good at communicating anymore all for the drama plot, give me a break, I can already foresee the future and it’s gonna be drowned in miscommunication, misunderstanding and assumptions. Wanna bet?

Tsunmimi created a topic of Camping

All this over sized boodonkers looking sling shots, jeez

Tsunmimi created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Lol imagine being forced to inherit a company aigooo—rich peoples problems such a hassle

Tsunmimi created a topic of December

Major freaking stupid spoiler

These bitches must die for sho, whoever put their hands freaking trashy sticky sausage fingers on Yeonwoon must die!!!!! So guys be prepared for the deaths of these assholes. Ughhhhh I’m so mad right now.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Shutline

So he won’t sacrifice shin for shit,

They’re so dead

Tsunmimi created a topic of Instant Family

Boyyy is this idiot about to find out

Tsunmimi created a topic of Chocolate Snow

Sensei what are you doing here

Also guys remember do not have any kind of sexual contact with anyone that’s this intoxicated, okay? It’s a NO-NO

Tsunmimi created a topic of Jinx

So they thought

Yes let’s slip an aphrodisiac into our opposing teams drink to harm their fighter, nothing else it just had to be a sex pill. Great I’ll go bury my head in embarrassment guys and drop this.

Y’all should enjoy, byee

Tsunmimi created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Guys he has always been a cry baby even back in the day

Shoooo cute!!!! Kyaaaaaaa

Tsunmimi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Those two strands just ighhh—ighhh

Whatchu think you’re combing Appa!!! Two strands of hair… ain’t gat no hair

Tsunmimi created a topic of Jinx

OMG!!! As a huge fan of MMA, I have to say watching him lose all that weight that fast and gain it back made me feel some type of way. This guys go through hell…Damn, looking so gaunt and then the dehydration, Fam it’s a killer, OML, this sports is crazy fam.

Now onto pressing matters

Dan, *heavy sigh* that’s all I can say.

Tsunmimi created a topic of A Thousand Cranes

Did y’all see that,

How he put Theo in her place

Like “If possible I’d like to get along with you” phewww….the man don’t play with his Craig, like I know you got problems but don’t touch my man like that . PERFECT! PERfeCT! PERFECT!!!

Why are y’all wishing death upon an actual real person when you consciously picked up their work and read it by yourself, you weren’t forced, you weren’t cajouled, none of these, no gun to your head, no forceful actions were taken towards you, you saw the signs, read the messed up disclaimers and still read it. Then you came to the comment and say the author should be killed, doxxed, sued, tortured and be raped—are you people okay. If you’re so brave why don’t you doxx yourself first, What is wrong with you?. What is wrong with you people. OMG!!! I’m so appalled with what I’m reading, if you can’t stomach it, drop it and leave. What’s so hard about that? People reason it with your actual brain.

Damn this is loud and says a lot. So what would you wish upon the author of Tomie, and so many other authors that have freaky stories much worse than this.

Tsunmimi created a topic of A Pushover's Romance

I think this is one of the most realistic stories without being unnecessarily toxic, and stretching the drama for the sake of drama. I like it cause everytime we see love it’s always about sparkles and butterflies and fireworks it’s angst, push and pull, it’s either the red or blue pill, but not this story. Love it 100000/10000. I’ll come re-read this everytime I want to clean my palatte. Although I did feel sad after reading the ML’s POV as I can relate, and it hurt my heart—seriously guys I felt the pain bite deep into my chest when he woke up and found the other side cold, and I don’t think what the MC did was fair as much as I also hate confrontations I never leave things to chance or let my imaginations fool me, rather I ask to clear up my own doubts just for myself and nothing else, he could have done better. But all in all I’m glad they’re together albeit I don’t think the pain will fade away so quickly on both sides, but sometimes there is beauty and love even in pain. Thank you Author-nim for such a beautiful story.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Honey Trouble

Bruh nothing cute about the story from chapter 1, so he lies to his supposed love interest, and ain’t no way the Mc was dumb enough to do such shitty things to get a girl he “likes” attention, like are you kidding me, fam the story was a burst from the beginning. Say what you want but nahhh!!!! Y’all should stop being sad okay and stare at this , this is what red flags are and this is what he’s being exhibiting from day 1, okay babes and babettes. Love you all and kisses.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Guys remember when this came out and it was caught fire , I still remember how tenacious SY was and maybe still is, always putting himself in harms way to help the innocent or even the guilty as he did for his Ex, and honestly I know a lot of people have so many things to say but to see the end with SY still putting himself in harms way exactly how he did on the beginning part but for TH, lol makes me remember how much of a character he is, he’s truly a brave person. While I’m not so much a fan of both ML’s, I hope everyone gets closure and he ends up happy with whomever he chooses. The world the author created is same as the real mafia world, it’s fucked, vile, disgusting and warped so complaining won’t change a thing, people still love who they love, I wouldn’t encourage it but nothing can be done.

But wow we are getting to the final chapters of LTWW, congratulations Author-nim. Be safe and happy with your work.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Limited Run

Because why? If you want to be done! Be done! If this is revenge then makes no sense to me, cause clearly he still likes him. No matter how they try to play it, at this point I think all this is for the drama cause I tell you communication isn’t what they lack even when they played as lovers. But all of a sudden the ML can’t read the signs and the MC can’t be upfront with questions.

Heavy sigh

And btw I’m very impressed with the comment section and how everyone seems to in-tune with this and having very objective opinions.

You guys rock

Tsunmimi created a topic of Jinx

I can’t wait for this jerk to go on his knees and beg doc, and boy I can’t wait for him to cry his eyes out and beg and come to realize how much of a horrible human he’s being to a person who doesn’t even know what proper love is. Bad Jk, no Doc Dan treats for you.


I had always imagined that when Seungho finally lets his hair down is probably next to Nakyum happy and they’re both asleep together in a maze of flowers, under the moonlight but imagine my surprise when I see it’s when he’s crying and wallowing infront of his demon-of-trash bag-stone-hearted-sperm-donor,after being drenched in alcohol and locked away in misery. Damn this shit hurts.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

What did this story morph into? Like sheesh….what is this? How do I block this from ever showing up on my timeline, can anyone help me or like show me how?

Thank you