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Tsunmimi created a topic of Rivalry

I’ll unbox the seal of a virgin!!!!

Ermmm—Childe!!!! Naurrrr

For the next chapter, y’all aren’t ready


Just know that Nakwon cries like a bwaby!!! And cracks from everything.

Tsunmimi created a topic of His Enemy Downstair

I like the energy, bs should be called out, whatever reason the uke has can exist in fiction, but in real life fam toxic-red-flag doesn’t even cut it for Siwon. Tanchu.

I mean I really couldn’t read past chapter 10, cause an 8 year relationship and it’s so easy for him to just cut off the person, move out and block them. Like did you even care enough to ask for an explanation and thrash it out to be sure. He didn’t even kick the damn door down to be sure, he walked away so nonchalantly, didn’t even explain the situation like I heard you say this when I got home that day,

Tsunmimi created a topic of Paljae

So here’s how I think it unfolds

Paljae is the black turtle of the four creatures guarding the four cardinal whatever points (can’t recall the name); and I think he commits a grave offense which makes the other three magical creatures band together to try and seal him, now he escapes to the mortal realm and meets Ryeong; who then ran way from his mute dad, p.s this is his first life (guys stay with me remember he’s lived twice); now he meets runaway baby ryeong and they become acquainted, the ying to his yang and R represents the sun energy and P is the moon energy so they balance themselves, that’s why P can’t stand too much heat and R can’t stand the too much cold, now this ending part is his first death but he doesn’t die as P-man saves him by stealing his soul back and I don’t know if he returns him home to his dad since we didn’t see him do that but we know somehow R finds his way back home to the Papa; remember when he was all cold and the dad covered him up, and maybe P is killed since he took the Vermilion birds curse from R’s body, but can he really die is the question—stay with me guys.

Now the flash back we see of R getting betrayed and his Papa getting killed is after his events with Paljae, I think he loses his memories cause he doesn’t seem to recall the events with Paljae, and then his master who we haven’t seen yet comes and saves him right taking away his sight and his memories—remember that’s his second death as Orun’s(his adoptive father)son, before sending him to the academy school he’s in and him needing to ascend, for his body to be stable remember he nearly died or did die but got his soul back.

Now we don’t know yet why R man killed his master but he did and was banished or escaped to that cold island where he reunites with P man by saving the essence left of him that found its way to the island and saying “I want to live” and then him cultivating him to the Paljae that we know and love now; who by the way doesn’t have much of his memories back but eventually will.

So they’ve met twice now, having P man meet R first and took care of him before the tide was turned, now it’s R-Angel taking care of P-man. And I think eventually both will get their full memories and realize they’ve met before.

Whooooshhh!!!! Okay correct me if I’m wrong but this is how I think I see it.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Bloody Lies

NO SIR!!! NOT WITH THEM EYES SIR!!! No thank you sir, and I shall be dropping this sir

So when episode 3 dropping

Tsunmimi created a topic of Furyou Mesu Ochi

Yo these are definitely Gen Z high school students cause only GenZ teens look like this. Bruh .

Tsunmimi created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

FAM!!!! , I’m like they all didn’t have a choice that damn old man keeps watching them like a creep, keeping tabs on them and monitoring the punishment imagine such shit!!! Arghhh, however I wish they’d grow a spine and put the old man down cause what is this. Takes a freaking kid to do the job. Cmon bros!!! The old man need to go .

Now now if you wanna reply don’t come calling me vile names cause I’m not the one for any kind of rudeness on here. Thanks babes. Give your reply and be respectful.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

This Min-guy needs to just go away and scram for real

He shouldn’t have been spared by that idiot, cause now he’s ruined everything and I don’t see how the ML is gonna survive this.

He’s just ruining everything for a very ridiculous reason, you got stupid, you did shitttt that got your sister into this mess over and over again, now you want to play hero for who??? Bruh shut up.

Why can’t people just comment their opinions and thoughts and people reply without saying such vile things to each other, what is the problem? Honestly, the comment section, if you were here long enough you’d know why it was taken away in the first place. You have opinions share them, you have replies share them but stop cursing at people and saying actual real people should die or say something utterly vile over a fictional story. Everyone has opinions but you don’t need to be vile and cruel to each other, and as for the translator I think you can add side notes without shaming the author or the source material, be respectful no matter how twisted the story may come out, and for the author if they commented they weren’t in a good head space but admist that still shared a very raw side of them through the story then be it as it may, we can only hope they get much needed help. I’m not saying hold hands and sing kumbaya but people people please stop being so cruel to each other, okay.

Love y’all

Tsunmimi created a topic of My Suha

Y’all need to chill, drink some lemonade and RE-laX!!!!

The grass is green
The sky is blue
The day bleaches to gold
As nights are cold

Smell the air peeps and take deep breaths. Love y’all’sssss (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(▰˘◡˘▰)

Tsunmimi created a topic of Limited Run

I have to say I haven’t seen such well drawn expressions in a while, I mean the micro expressions and the way author-nim draws, its like watching a movie, you can feel it, reminds me of POTN; it’s like you are watching it rather than just looking at a bunch of pictures, when they frown you frown, when they laugh you laugh and when it’s sad you are definitely sad…..So beautifully designed.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Dreadful Night

Bruh was about to be cleaved into two, damn that killer is mean

Tsunmimi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Bruh how many fucks do you think we give……..Exactly we giveth none ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍, but bless your heart author-nim. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Tsunmimi created a topic of Shutline

If after this y’all still sympathize with this Gren character, then fam y’all are tripping real hard. Did you see that? Now he wants Shin to commit murder with him, he still!!!!! He still thinks Shin should clean up his mess. Bruh…….y’all.should.seriously.stop.tripping. I’m so mad but I need Shin to be more clear with him to let him know he needs to stop thinking like that and clear him and shut that damn idea down, now if he still insists on the same “Oh Hyung, let’s do crazy shit and Hyung this or Hyung that” Then he can go eat dogshit for all I care.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Swapping

Seriously I’ve never seen someone this stupid, so he knowingly puts himself in a terrible position with people that actually have no good intentions, gets saved by the ML then starts spiting and saying the meanest things only to agitate his partner purposely, rather than just saying whatever he needs to say without poking at his already agitated partner or whatever they are, then only explains after causing said agitation to someone he supposedly likes. And this is suppose to be lovely or cute.

Tsunmimi created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Damn those villagers to hell ⚰⚰⚰