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royalii created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

also, mc feeling so peaceful about his possible death reminds me so much of Lee Yoohan from Payback when he had to act out his unaliving scene for a shoot. They're both so similar that I'll believe if they're both the same person, just mc being a lot more silent lol

royalii created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

smiley pink hair got me down baddddd

royalii created a topic of Nameless

MlL: You sex-driven animal

Also ML everytime w Nuka:

bro be speaking as if he's better than Silas when Silas haven't had sex yet w Nuka

royalii created a topic of The Path Of Star

coloring changed. they're pinker now

royalii created a topic of We'll Get Our Happy Ending

nah, my man can't move on bc he can't get a proper closure

royalii created a topic of Jungwon's Flowers

will drop if they continue to do the hanky panky while mc is drunk. kinda getting sick w that trope >.<

royalii created a topic of Ochite yo Shirai!

it's actually about two dorks haha, bookmark

sounds like a typical regression dungeon story but a fmc instead

i like it :'3 bookmark

royalii created a topic of How To Survive As A Player

is the world ending? why're so many action-ish like plot quality isekai bl series popping out nowadays?! And it's during my exam week too?! gimme more recs

royalii created a topic of How To Raise A Victim?

holy shit, the mind fuck i had when the title made sense. holy shit, this is what you call a complicated relationship

royalii created a topic of How To Raise A Victim?

motherfucker. i binge read it all 7 hours ago since i was bored during exams week and now i got hooked. motherfuckerrr

royalii created a topic of How To Survive As A Player

honestly, this is such an interesting premise and it's executed nicely at the beginning! but since the yaoi is the main focus here, action and world building won't come first T.T. such a shame, i love tropes like these

royalii created a topic of The Hunter's one night

it was going good until ch.5 smh (ー_ー゛) like it came out of nowhere

royalii created a topic of Ramen Aka Neko

binge read it all in one night and now im aching for more

royalii created a topic of Nerd Project
royalii created a topic of Turning

Gakane's uniform seems to be on the verge of bursting from the seams im worried (ecstatic)

it'll be too bad if it gets ripped off during a fight...oh no

royalii created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

ig his obsessiveness w chae tae-kyung saves us from heaps of misunderstandings haha

royalii created a topic of Form of Sympathy

“How many people has Seonwoo done–”

I'm sORRY, WHAT??? Seonwoo's fucking wild despite his looks

also, it's rlly cool that they started as female characters! I don't usually read GL but I wonder how would it play out if the initial idea was pushed through.

royalii created a topic of Another Lie

hear me, hear me. i summon thee to bless me with links

royalii created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

read the raws up until the middle of the pvp match and they won't *meet* each other irl in the upcoming chapters. the wait is making me jittery

meet as in knowing the real identity of each other